Saturday, February 18, 2012


看到第二集,我觉得他比很多台湾偶像剧好看。 没那么的漫画感觉。 比较贴近我们现实生活。
这个偶像剧也有很多美女。 有台大五姬的国企匡—陈匡怡和资工弥—余涵弥。 小周慧敏,陳匡怡真的超可爱。 他真得很像周慧敏。

我真得很讨厌现在的生活。感觉好像行尸走肉的过日子。 也许我需要少林足球那样,要有梦想。人没梦想那跟僵尸有什么分别。

看到第8集。 感觉好伤心。我哭了很多次。 好像从没有看戏剧哭得那么多次。 受过伤的心, 所以有很多的感

男人不坏,女人不爱。我想这句话是因为,坏人中会不安牌理出牌。 大仁的妹妹也说了,普通人会说 “我好想你”, 坏人会说 “现在出现在我面前”。
我就一定不能像丁立伟那样,走去又青的办公室,趴在和他同一个楼梯, 吃他的豆腐。 我太理智了。不可能像他那样。。。。

看到第11集, 我突然想起,我好象做过和李大仁很象的事。 为了让最喜欢的人不那么担心,为了让他高兴, 就是缀合他和别人,也会用尽全力去做。
只为了不像看到他不快乐,只为了他幸福。就算这样会让他很伤心, 很伤心。。。。。

有句话我放在心里很久了,爱情虽然不是同情,但是能够陪着你哭,能够在你不高兴时候让你快乐的人,你要懂得珍惜。就算不爱他, 也要用心的去关心他。 因为这世界上, 会陪着你哭的人不多。

还有假如你遇到一个能搞让你感动的哭的人,就好好想想你和他的关系。因为能搞感动到你的人, 是对你很特别的人。例如, 在情人节,有100个男生送你花, 但是只有一个人送的花是让你感动到流泪,那个人就是你很特别的人。 也许你爱上了他,你也没发现。

每天看完了《我可能不会爱你》偶像剧我就会发表我的感想。 是我真心感受。甜酸苦辣都有。看到结局, 看到程又青和李大仁他们有情人终成眷属, 真的好感动。 以前就会想要轰轰烈烈,爱到你死我也活不了的那种爱情。现在觉得,能像他们那样才是辛福。

One Day

I finally watch this movie One Day. The story of 2 person that meet on a one fine day and it become their annual event every year to meet up on this date. They become the closest kind of "Just Friend". Really sweet movie but can be sad too depend on how you view it.

Really love it coz it just feel so sweet.I like some of the words it the movie
"I need to speak to someone. Not someone. You"
"She made you decent. And in return you made her so Happy"

Love really just happen on that some day. Sometimes maybe just that one sudden special moment that you will notice that this is the person you want to spend the rest of the life with. No logic explanation.

Maybe that just what happen with me and her. So close yet so far. I have been trying to avoid contacting her but I slowly find my will getting weaker..... I notice she just arranged for a trip with some friends to Vietnam.

Feels like everyone making some progress to some place but only me is still staying at the same spot, wondering and loss direction. Maybe that is the reason why I am out of luck in love....

I need to get up and move again.