Saturday, March 27, 2010


We always say Malaysia only have one season. That is hot and humid all year long.

But I always feel we have many season. Season of fruit such as Mangosteen, Durian, Rambutan. Season of sick like Aedes, cold, cough. ( This is very common in office, when one or 2 person cough, the whole office will be coughing too )

Also there is season of love, where everyone around you suddenly will like be in love dating etc.

There is also season of exam, the nightmare for all student. These are the time that library will suddenly be full of student. Hahaha

Right now the season I can feel is season of wedding.
Everyone seems to be talking abt wedding. Either gone to take wedding photo, arranging where to held the wedding dinner. Or asking friend to help on wedding day.

For me, as usual I guess. Season of loneliness.
Sometimes I do feel I am so alone.

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