Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Love is feeling

What is love? An answer that continuously seek by many people.
And I believe you will get 100 different answer if you ask the same question to 100 different people.
Everyone have their own belief/definition.

Some guys would probably answer Love is 36-24-36.
Use to be mine too. When I am younger.

But I have changes. Or I should say mature as I see more and more things that happen around me.

The girl that I should not have try to start the relationship, at first say she dun like cat.
But I can see if the gift is given by certain person. If it is with this certain person, she won't mind it. And can feel happy with the cat too. 

So for me, now this is love. A special feeling affinity towards someone that you feel whatever he/she is doing, just feel so sweet to you. The same bouquet of rose, if given by other guys, you might throw it to rubbish bin. But when given by the One, you will happily take selfie with it and feel so sweet.

Love is feeling. An indescribable, illogical and non scientific explainable feeling that makes you feel happy.

Maybe just seeing that person, it cure the tiredness of work. 

Anything related to this person, you try to find out. Put highest priority.

It's been 2 months and 20 days since I last message with this person. I still wondering if she will contact me again. But I bet she won't.....
Oh Well, just take it as a dream.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


  1. 每一次接吻,會消耗體內至少12個卡路里。科學家指出,每天只要吻3次,每次持續20秒,便有減肥功效.
  2. 經常接吻的人,平均壽命較一般人長5年,得胃病和血液病的機會也比較少。
  3. 接吻是治療打嗝不止的最有效的方法。
  4. 接吻時,12組唇部肌肉和17組舌頭肌肉會呈緊張狀態,促進血液循環,有助預防皺紋,令皮膚更光滑,有美容效果,好過去美容院。
  5. 激情接吻時,因受刺激所分泌的內啡泰荷爾蒙,相當於一片止痛藥的效果。而接吻中產生的唾液,又會自動產生抗生素,具麻醉效果,讓人展示忘掉憂傷。
  6. 接吻能刺激分泌大量腎上腺素,叫人心情愉快。如果每天接吻3次,整天便會活在快樂中.
  7. 接吻可以讓雙方的唾液交換,原來唾液中的水分、細菌、天然鹽和蛋白質。等,一旦加入別人的唾液,某些微生物會產生不同反應,從而刺激個人免疫系統產生特定抗體,增強免疫力。
  8. 接吻能阻止皮質激素形成,減少患高血壓、高膽固醇、肌肉萎縮和失眠的機率。
  9. 接吻時分泌的大量唾液,含有鈣和磷質,可有效預防蛀牙,而且唾液的酸鹼度屬於中性,亦有助預防牙齒疾病如牙周炎等。
  10. 每個人一生中,平均用20,160分鐘(約兩個星期)來接吻。
  11. 90%以上的女性在接吻時會閉上眼睛,75%的男性會睜開眼睛投望。
  12. 接吻時,你習慣把頭傾向右邊。
  13. 接吻還有效預防禽流感,特別是H7N9,尤為顯著。大家要用心接吻哦..,祝大家接的開心吻,沒事了就親親嘴,有事也得親。但切記,此舉最好在異性間進行