Friday, October 19, 2012

Rainy Days

It's been raining for the past few days.

Feel like the joke "这个星期已经下了两场大雨。第一场下了四天,第二场下了三天。"

Every time rain, the traffic become bad.

And in the morning, I just feel don't want to wake up go work.

Feel so negative.

Today also a bad day for me.
I taught I should give it a try.
Try to get closer.
But just feel the distance is still miles away.

I there will be some changes after change to a new job with a more normal working time.
But it didn't.

Perhaps I already know this very long.
Just using my weird shift work time as an excuse.

To hide the fact that I am lonely....

有時候 我真的覺得好寂寞

1 comment:

Connie Lam said...

Nah, give u some positive energy! :)
Don't let the loneliness overcome you, sometimes to be alone can be very great ^^ Stay positive! :)