Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to be rich?

How to be rich?

I guess this question is what waving on many people mind. I think about it too. Wondering how to be rich. So now I will share my taught with you all.

First of all, I do not know how to make you rich. Coz I am not rich yet. If I say about investment tips or how to predict the next Lucky Draw Number, then I better just go invest on it myself. Why should I share those info? :P So those who taught you can get rich after reading this, well face the reality. Get rich is not that easy.

Although I have yet to have idea on how to get rich, but I have many idea on why we cannot get rich. First is wasting of time. Time is a very important asset that we all have. Since we are born, we have started to use time that we have to barter for other things such as knowledge. And now when we are working we actually use the time, the energy, the knowledge etc to barter for money. So if let say we got 80 years of life, how many times did we actually use to barter for things that is useful? And how many times did we just do useless thing such as "thinking how to be rich?". So first thing I believe that will prevent us from getting rich is wasting of time we have.

Second reason is hoping to inherit or get lots of money from some place. A lot of us like to ask why I am not born in a rich family. Why my father is not Lee Kar Seng or Bill Gates. In my opinion, it doesn't matter who our parent are. I believe that if we do not have the ability to earn 1million, then if we are to suddenly have that money thru inheritance from parent or get it from buying lucky number, we will just waste it at some place and lose the money. The world now is full of thief and scoundrel. Thus if we do not have the ability to earn 1 million, we also won't have the ability to guard this money too. It is like the story of a little kid holding 1,000 walking at the market. Scoundrel can deceive the 1,000 that little kids by giving gold fish, ball, or candy. Thief can just snatch it from the little kid. But if the little kid is actually a genius with IQ 200 then the little kid will have the ability to guard the money and not letting this happen. So if we are to suddenly inherit a large amount of money from parent or to win lottery prize, it is not means we will be rich. Coz we do not have the ability to actually guard it.

One last thing, there is around 6.8 billion population in this world. All of them hope that they can be rich but less than 1% or 68million is rich. That means if your want to be rich, you need to have something that the rest of 6.12billion population not able to do it or did not do it. Example you say you can play football very well. How well? As good as David Beckham? Lionel Messi? Or just very well at school level?

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