Anyway just celebrated Deepavali with working in office. I feel I am getting more and more times celebrating these festive days working. Even my mom ask "Why I keep on work only and did not go out date with other gals. Is it my share so not in demand." I don't know how to tell my mother. Coz even I myself also wonder, will I find someone that can be truly madly deeply love me? Someone like Riko from Japanese Drama Buzzer Beat. Or I am just too bad to deserve such a person and is destined to be S.A.D (Single, Available, Desperate) my whole life?
And so recently my schedule is work work work and then rest and continue the cycle again. The only things that cheers me up is when I see my saving account. (^_^)
I am moving close to achieve my dream. Owning an exotic car. Such as Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4.

I will get this car "SOON". :P
Also have watch a very interesting movie recently.
Movie name is "Surrogates".
The storyline is something that I feel so so. Not too suprising and no twist to it. But the interesting part of the movie is the world that is describe in the movie.
The movie begin with chronological of event that show a genius invented a machine that can read signal directly from the brain and then they use the signal to control a robot. This robot will act as the "body" for the "brain" to go on do the person daily routine. And so the "brain" can rest at home and do not need to leave the house. And so the world become a strange world. Everyone we see will have a perfect young, sexy look that most of us can only dream of. Even guy can be a girl without need for plastic surgery and the voice no longer betray you.
Kiss and touch is done between robot and the sensation is send as signal back to the "brain". So this whole new world seems to be what happening now. Internet. Where lots of person go here and there searching for things and doing transaction at website such as Ebay. This movie make me wonder what is the direction of all the technological advance is bring us to. More safe and better living life style at the cost of us losing the meaning of life? The main character in this movie is basically protesting and trying to reverse it back to the world without Surrogates so that it will bring back the human element to the world. So that next time he kiss his wife, he can feel it really is kissing her and not some robot.
Human is the basic and also the reason for needs of technology. But if a technology advancement is to eliminate human, it no longer is advancement. It is striking man back to prehistory time. However from the evolve I can see, some jobs is already started to be done in internet. Slowly we human may life more in this cyber world then in the real world.
u hav lot's of fans out there... don pretend that you don know :P don worry...
Only that ur 眼光高!!! only look for some one who look like Riko :P
All too far from me.
not one that is close to me......
Enjoy your life..happiness is not only about being S.A.D..ngehehe..Life and time is precious. Use it wisely with someone you really care about and with what you are passionate about.
There's no time to be SAD
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