Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2015 1st post


A new year, new beginning.

But so far, everything seems to show that 2015 will be a year full of trouble.
Well can't be sure though. Since at the begining 2014, shown as a promising year but end up being quite bad.

To begin, year of 2015, with oil price and palm oil price plunges in global market, and the looming GST introduction, sign of bad years for the poor citizen can be seen.
Hence, even the property market seen some property price begin to reduce.

And some of the problem from the end of 2014 still not solved in 2015. Such as the flood that is affecting the east coast of peninsular Malaysia and the Air Asia plane crash.

Future don't seems to be good now.

The same goes to my life.....
My human relation problem seems to be getting more problem.
Maybe is my issue. I don't like to be an actor. Pretending. Laughing with the crowd.
A lot of time, I laugh but can stop the next second. Because it is a fake laugh.

The people that I can really show my heart is getting lesser and lesser.

I wonder why.
I always feel to have someone that can show their real heart is a very precious thing.
Since in this cruel world, everybody is wearing a mask and faking in front of you. So when someone can really be honest to you, isn't it something that precious. Something worth for you to maintain?

A friend of mine tell me a few things that I need to take note.
1. Don't expect. You should not expect the reaction of your friends. Just take it as it is and that is all. Because you have some expectation, and when they don't meet it, you are hurt.
2. Not every question have answer. Something, it is just no one that can answer you.
3. Don't so naive. This world is full of faker. So be one too.

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