"Failure is the mother of success"
I guess each of us will hear this statement not less then 100 times in their life. Yet as I grow older, I notice this statement no longer true. We no longer able to face failure and work towards success. Maybe it is the pride. Maybe is the things we will lost when we fail. But from what I can see is, the older a person grow, the more they cannot admit failure. They will try to escape failures. Blame it on other people and say that it is the other people mistake. Human try to "perfect" their own-self.
A simple example that I can see happening always in my work is when I inform my user that the form is wrongly fill up by them. They will blame that the form is poorly design and confusing. Therefore it is the "form" mistake and not them fail to fill up the form correctly. (=.=!)
Even small mistake they also cannot face, thus when requested to face greater mistake such as their own poor decision, they become cowards. Hiding their head in the hole like an ostrich. And worse situation is choose to end their life by suicide.
I do not know will I be someone that no longer courage to face failure. But I will continue to remember that we should learn from failure so that we can be a better man. Remember to get up on my own feet when I fall down. Coz that is one of the earliest lesson given to me when I learn to walk. I fall and cry and walk and then fall again, till in the end, I can walk on my own feet.
Hope to all my blog reader, you will remember back how you learn to walk and be able to face the mistake you done.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Really I do.
I suppose to work 4 days and rest for 4 days. But due to Hari Raya celebration, I need to replace my colleague. Especially pass 4 days also I work night shift.
Tonight, I taught I can have a long chat with my lovely bed but turn out, I am use to sleeping in the afternoon and stay awake in the night. So perhaps I am evolving to be a vampire. Twilight Edward Cullen, anyone want. :P
Hope to have a vacation soon. To maybe just somewhere like Kelantan, Genting, Cameron, Langkawi or Penang. The last vacation I have is on April where I go t Korea. Miss those days.
Recently also watch back the "Young and Dangerous" series. Notice a lot of good HK actor pass away. And not forget to mention, author of Shin Chan just pass away. Life is really unpredictable. There is no warning before accident happen. The person may look healthy but who knows maybe just crossing the road, and a car may crash on the person. So I always feel, money is important, yet the main reason it is important is cause it help us to live our life to fullest.
So working bz to earn more money, but at the same time we should enjoy life by going holiday and do things that we like.
Life Without Boundaries 逍遥自在
Really I do.
I suppose to work 4 days and rest for 4 days. But due to Hari Raya celebration, I need to replace my colleague. Especially pass 4 days also I work night shift.
Tonight, I taught I can have a long chat with my lovely bed but turn out, I am use to sleeping in the afternoon and stay awake in the night. So perhaps I am evolving to be a vampire. Twilight Edward Cullen, anyone want. :P
Hope to have a vacation soon. To maybe just somewhere like Kelantan, Genting, Cameron, Langkawi or Penang. The last vacation I have is on April where I go t Korea. Miss those days.
Recently also watch back the "Young and Dangerous" series. Notice a lot of good HK actor pass away. And not forget to mention, author of Shin Chan just pass away. Life is really unpredictable. There is no warning before accident happen. The person may look healthy but who knows maybe just crossing the road, and a car may crash on the person. So I always feel, money is important, yet the main reason it is important is cause it help us to live our life to fullest.
So working bz to earn more money, but at the same time we should enjoy life by going holiday and do things that we like.
Life Without Boundaries 逍遥自在
Monday, September 21, 2009
Shin Chan 蠟筆小新

I have always been a fans of Shin Chan.
I still remember the first episode of Shin Chan I read is Book Volume 4.
In fact I learn how to read Chinese word thru Shin Chan. My mother would sit next to me read the book for me and I slowly learn to recognise the Chinese wording.
So Shin Chan is very special to me.
However, yesterday night, I heard a very sad news. Author of Shin Chan, Yoshito Usui(臼井儀人) is found dead in mountains. From the scenario, it seems that he climb mountain and fell of the cliff.
Life still go on, Earth still spinning and Sun still rising from east set at west.
So, I can only say RIP Yoshito Usui(臼井儀人) and thanks for leaving Shin Chan as a treasure to many many people. You will forever be remembered.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Food of the Devil 4
A colleague of mine is going to leave the company. To pursue her dream to go Korea. She will enjoy a lot as this trip will be a backpack traveller trip for 3 month. Bon Vovage to her. (^^)
Now to celebrate her departure ( Yes, we are very happy that you are leaving. :P Coz you left the Hell for Good ), we decided to go to "New York New York Deli" in One Utama. It is recommended by one of our Gathering Groupie and turn out it is very nice meal. Cheap and the food taste good. Recommended for anyone that is at One Utama shopping. Just beware as this place going to get more attention and crowded like Zanmai later.
That conclude this round of Food of the Devil. Until next time when I find another Restaurant that worth sharing. (^^)
Fine Dining,
One Utama,
Western Cuisine
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
One nite a man pray to God : " God, Pls give me win lottery tmr and i will donate some of the money to Charity."

The second day, the man did not win any lottery so that nite he pray very hard to God again: " Oh God pls let me win lottery pls, pls pls.... and i will donate the money.
The third day, still he did not win any money. He was so angry that nite he said furiously: " God, why you do not let me win lottery???"
Then God appear and say: " You did not buy any lottery and how are u suppose to win money?"
Once, there's a man believes in God and pray to God every nite.
One day he's village is having heavy rain and it won't stop for days. The headman ask all the villagers to move to the mountain where it is more safety. When they reach the house of that man, he refuse to go.
He said: " I am sincere to God and God will come and save me." So they leave without him.
Few days later, it flood and the man move to the first floor of his house, then the headman come with a boat and ask him to leave with them. The man refuse and he say: " I believe God will come and save me." So they left.
Soon the water level rise higher and that man move to the roof of the house. This time the headman come with helicopter but that man still refuse to go. " I still believe that God will come and save me. Pls go away."
In the end the flood buried all the village and that man died. When he reach heaven he meet God and he ask: " God why you didn't come and save me?" and God say:
" I sent a headman, a boat and a helicopter to save you but you just refuse to go."
People see God every day, they just don’t recognize him.
Happy reading!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Love is....
Love is perhaps the hardest thing to be understand or explain in science.
Some scientist call it chemistry reaction between 2 person yet they fail to explain a lot of things or to reproduce the result when doing experiment.
In bible, the mention man have one less bone and that is at their left chest, right in front of their heart. It is stated that God take a bone from Adam, to create Eve. And the bone at their chest is chosen because God hope that man will put the woman in their heart, care them, think of them all the time. I never read bible and so I don't know is this real or just some fiction story. Coz I feel it is a bit too romantic. :P
Love is always a favourite topic I love to discuss with friends. Maybe coz I wish to have Love very much. Yet after all these years, I still fail to actually understand love. From my observation, to really define Love is a Mission Impossible. Love can change a lot and sometimes contradict itself.
I know a Girl A that love this Boy B since 15years old. But Boy B love another Girl C. Boy B and Girl C is lover. They been in this situation for past 10 years until recently Girl C go oversea for study. Girl C break up with Boy B before she go. And now Girl A ask everyone of us to help her win the heart of Boy B. I feel the situation is very funny cause Girl A love Boy B because admire him as a very rare guy that can really love a woman for forever and be loyal to the lover. Yet now Girl A hope that Boy B can quickly forget Girl C and be in love & loyal to her. To me it feel like I love this guy coz he loyal to lover. And so I try to snatch him so that I be the lover and he loyal to me. If he really that easy change heart then is he still the loyal lover that I admire?
The same predicament I can see with another male friend. He like his gf because his gf is pretty and sexy. Yet after the girl be his gf, he start to control her costume. Not letting her wearing too sexy. Typical guy rite? But for me, I feel why do we have to do this. Since we love the girl coz she sexy, but after she become our gf we don't let her wear sexy. And more worse is when going out with her, we look at other sexy girl. Kind of very contradict idea if you ask me.
Of course love is also changing a person. Some guys become mature and more responsible after they have love. Some will learn how silly they are after their gf break up with them. Some will have deeper comprehend.
There is a lot of theory or concept in love too. Such as love cannot be compare(爱情不能作比较). Yet sometimes we say...He must be better then me and love you so much(他一定很爱你 也把我比下去). Or "The most furthest distance in this world is not heaven and earth but is me in front of you and you never notice" (有人說 世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死 而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你).
Right until this moment, I can only say is to find someone you love is hard, but to find someone you love and love you is harder. And the hardest is to be with someone as husband and wife because to love each other forever is hardest.
When I first hear this song I don't feel anything but after mature a bit, I more understand the lyric in this song. Salute to the singer, composer and lyricist.
相愛很難 - 張學友 & 梅艷芳
女︰最好 有生一日都愛下去 但誰人 能將戀愛當做終生興趣
男︰生活 其實旨在找到個伴侶 面對現實 熱戀很快變長流細水
女︰可惜我 不智或僥倖 對火花天生敏感
男︰不過 兩隻手拉的太緊
合︰愛到過了界那對愛人 同時亦最易變成一對敵人
*合︰也許相愛很難 就難在其實雙方各有各寄望
合︰怎麼辦 要單戀都難 受太大的禮會
合︰內疚卻也無力歸還 也許不愛不難
合︰但如未成佛升仙 也會怕愛情前途黯淡
合︰愛不愛都難 未快樂先有責任給予對方面露歡顏
#女︰得到浪漫 又要有空間
男︰得到定局 卻怕去到終站
合︰然後付出多得到少不介意豁達 又擔心有人看不過眼
合︰可惜我 不智或僥倖 對火花天生敏感 不過
合︰兩隻手拉的太緊 愛到過了界那對愛人同時亦最易變成一對敵人
重唱 *,#
合︰無論熱戀中失戀中都永遠記住第一戒 別要張開雙眼
Some scientist call it chemistry reaction between 2 person yet they fail to explain a lot of things or to reproduce the result when doing experiment.
In bible, the mention man have one less bone and that is at their left chest, right in front of their heart. It is stated that God take a bone from Adam, to create Eve. And the bone at their chest is chosen because God hope that man will put the woman in their heart, care them, think of them all the time. I never read bible and so I don't know is this real or just some fiction story. Coz I feel it is a bit too romantic. :P
Love is always a favourite topic I love to discuss with friends. Maybe coz I wish to have Love very much. Yet after all these years, I still fail to actually understand love. From my observation, to really define Love is a Mission Impossible. Love can change a lot and sometimes contradict itself.
I know a Girl A that love this Boy B since 15years old. But Boy B love another Girl C. Boy B and Girl C is lover. They been in this situation for past 10 years until recently Girl C go oversea for study. Girl C break up with Boy B before she go. And now Girl A ask everyone of us to help her win the heart of Boy B. I feel the situation is very funny cause Girl A love Boy B because admire him as a very rare guy that can really love a woman for forever and be loyal to the lover. Yet now Girl A hope that Boy B can quickly forget Girl C and be in love & loyal to her. To me it feel like I love this guy coz he loyal to lover. And so I try to snatch him so that I be the lover and he loyal to me. If he really that easy change heart then is he still the loyal lover that I admire?
The same predicament I can see with another male friend. He like his gf because his gf is pretty and sexy. Yet after the girl be his gf, he start to control her costume. Not letting her wearing too sexy. Typical guy rite? But for me, I feel why do we have to do this. Since we love the girl coz she sexy, but after she become our gf we don't let her wear sexy. And more worse is when going out with her, we look at other sexy girl. Kind of very contradict idea if you ask me.
Of course love is also changing a person. Some guys become mature and more responsible after they have love. Some will learn how silly they are after their gf break up with them. Some will have deeper comprehend.
There is a lot of theory or concept in love too. Such as love cannot be compare(爱情不能作比较). Yet sometimes we say...He must be better then me and love you so much(他一定很爱你 也把我比下去). Or "The most furthest distance in this world is not heaven and earth but is me in front of you and you never notice" (有人說 世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死 而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你).
Right until this moment, I can only say is to find someone you love is hard, but to find someone you love and love you is harder. And the hardest is to be with someone as husband and wife because to love each other forever is hardest.
When I first hear this song I don't feel anything but after mature a bit, I more understand the lyric in this song. Salute to the singer, composer and lyricist.
相愛很難 - 張學友 & 梅艷芳
女︰最好 有生一日都愛下去 但誰人 能將戀愛當做終生興趣
男︰生活 其實旨在找到個伴侶 面對現實 熱戀很快變長流細水
女︰可惜我 不智或僥倖 對火花天生敏感
男︰不過 兩隻手拉的太緊
合︰愛到過了界那對愛人 同時亦最易變成一對敵人
*合︰也許相愛很難 就難在其實雙方各有各寄望
合︰怎麼辦 要單戀都難 受太大的禮會
合︰內疚卻也無力歸還 也許不愛不難
合︰但如未成佛升仙 也會怕愛情前途黯淡
合︰愛不愛都難 未快樂先有責任給予對方面露歡顏
#女︰得到浪漫 又要有空間
男︰得到定局 卻怕去到終站
合︰然後付出多得到少不介意豁達 又擔心有人看不過眼
合︰可惜我 不智或僥倖 對火花天生敏感 不過
合︰兩隻手拉的太緊 愛到過了界那對愛人同時亦最易變成一對敵人
重唱 *,#
合︰無論熱戀中失戀中都永遠記住第一戒 別要張開雙眼
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Ridiculous excuse for last minute off~!
Ridiculous excuse for last minute off~!

When suddenly u feel like taking an off day pls don give the following excuse... It's sooo ridiculous!!!
1. My friend's new born baby past away
2. My dog is sick
3. I hit a cat while riding a bike.
4. I donated too much blood.
5. My mother burned all my clothes and I had nothing to wear to work
6. My toe was injured when a soda can fell out of the refrigerator.
7. No matter how much I've tried, I just can't get out of bed this morning. I swear, it's like I'm nailed to the bed.
9. The dog ate my car keys. We’re going to hitchhike to the vet.
10. My fish is sick and I need to take it to the vet.
11. My daughter got a round hair brush stuck in her hair and I need to help her get it out.
12. My car ran out of gas on the way to work so I pushed it to a gas station, but I got a stomach hernia and I have to go to the doctor’s.
13. My cat got ran over and I need to take it to the vet.
14. My wife’s breasts are sore after her breast enlargement so I need to stay home and massage her tits.
The best excuse for not going to work:
1. I can't come in to work today because I'll be stalking my previous boss, who fired me for not showing up for work. OK?
2. My wife makes more money than I do, so I have to stay at home with our sick son.
I am having emotional problems..
Sorry to hear that..any cause you know of..?
I got beat down by briankelley on www.ibeatyou.com a lot yesterday
Really? You, too? You can have the day off, I know how that feels..

Today is 09 09 09. Suppose to be a very special and memorable date, however I feel since last 9 years, there is always these kind of special date and so I don't really feel too special about it.
In 2001, there is 01 01 01 and 20 Jan 2001, 20.01.2001. These kind of date will continue till 2012.
Only then it will stop the iteration. Special romantic date that couples should choose to get married? Depend on how you think about it.
For me, I feel no matter how great or how special that day is, when compare with billion years old earth, these date dun seems special at all. Just because Human life span is so much shorter compare to earth, and so we feel special about it. If change to life span of a Butterfly that is only 2 weeks, then maybe even a Wednesday is a very special day, coz it only happen twice in their whole life.
Value of a special date, is decided by how much value we give to them. Isn't there a saying "If you love the right guy, everyday gonna be Valentine Day"? So you can see, even Valentine day can be 365 days in a year if we decided that.
Anyway, live your life to fullest. Don't think of stress too much and so everyday is a HAPPY DAY.
In 2001, there is 01 01 01 and 20 Jan 2001, 20.01.2001. These kind of date will continue till 2012.
Only then it will stop the iteration. Special romantic date that couples should choose to get married? Depend on how you think about it.
For me, I feel no matter how great or how special that day is, when compare with billion years old earth, these date dun seems special at all. Just because Human life span is so much shorter compare to earth, and so we feel special about it. If change to life span of a Butterfly that is only 2 weeks, then maybe even a Wednesday is a very special day, coz it only happen twice in their whole life.
Value of a special date, is decided by how much value we give to them. Isn't there a saying "If you love the right guy, everyday gonna be Valentine Day"? So you can see, even Valentine day can be 365 days in a year if we decided that.
Anyway, live your life to fullest. Don't think of stress too much and so everyday is a HAPPY DAY.
HAPPY 090909
Monday, September 7, 2009
Living In Real World - 2
Live in this world is full of pressure and stress. We always feel is it we are the most unluckiest person exist....
I recently read back an email from a friend. The content is simple yet meaningful comic.

So, this is life in real world. We may think we are most unluckiest, we may think we are having lots of pressure, but no matter what, don't give up on life. Everyone also have their own problem.
I recently read back an email from a friend. The content is simple yet meaningful comic.

So, this is life in real world. We may think we are most unluckiest, we may think we are having lots of pressure, but no matter what, don't give up on life. Everyone also have their own problem.
This is a story abt Fate
Once there's a man who go to a fortune-teller to ask for his fate. This fortune teller tell him that: " You are going to die tomorrow afternoon at six' o clock exactly". After hearing this he go home, thinking all short of things to avoid the accident. Later, his wife ask him to go out but he say he don't want because he scare he will has accident. Then the wife ask him to eat something he don't want also because he scare he will get choke!!! He did not sleep that night because he scare he will never wake up.
The next day he has nervous breakdown and becoming more n more anxious. His wife who was so worry abt him quickly when to the fortune teller again to ask why he had to say like this to her husband. Then the fortune teller feel sorry for what he had cause finally he reveal that actually her husband had accidentally knock him down the other day without saying sorry, that's why when he saw her husband he recognise at once and that's why he simply say her husband will died.
Happily she rush back home to tell her husband the good news. When she open the door she was so shock to see that her husband hang himself at 6'c clock exactly!!!
The moral of the story:
Say Sorry when u knock down some one..... Duh~ No lar~!!!!
You control your own fate.
I always thought that Fate = destiny. But when I go Google just now I found out that fate and destiny is different.
"Fate defines events as ordered or "inevitable". Fate is used in regard to the finality of events as they have worked themselves out; and that same sense of finality, projected into the future to become the inevitability of events as they will work themselves out, is Destiny. One word derivative of "fate" is "fatality", another "fatalism". Fate implies no choice, and ends fatally, with a death. Fate is an outcome determined by an outside agency acting upon a person or entity; but with destiny the entity is participating in achieving an outcome that is directly related to itself. Participation happens willfully."
source from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destiny

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hello Peep... This is huiling, Man man just give me the chance to drop some few thought of mine here...

was thinking since yesterday... wat should i write??
Well... Ok i would like to start wit Dreams....
Everyone have a dream and I'm for sure. But not everyone can make it come true.... When i'm young (doesn't mean i'm very old now)I always dream to be a teacher cos thats the only occupation that we know- teacher. When at that time after school we still play School, now i wonder shouldn't we feel bored? Oh well kids... Then later when i reach a certain age i dream to become an artist, to draw what ever i desire, I draw wat ever i fancy, day or nite. Hence when i almost graduate i finally decided I should be an interior designer since I thought that most probably there'll be a No Future for an artist...
Now I end up doing wat I least wanted and Art, I hav throw it away many years ago... I don remember Art too much until few days ago, an artist show me his Album and suddenly all my dreams pop out! Why i had end up to be like this?
I feel like i hav not been happy for years, all is because i lost my dreams. Dreams are necessary for life. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
But wat is my dream now?

Everyone is capable of dreaming a dream, but only a few actually become a dream. All you need to dream is a desire, but it takes more than a desire to become a dream. The process of becoming a dream requires persistent action and here is why only a few make it

Think abt it... n happy reading~
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