Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Loneliness VS Freedom 孤单和自由

I very like the article 單身地球人手冊. Because it suit me very well. Being a single guy.

I will sometimes go out alone, walking at the mall shopping for dress I need, go for a movie, and enjoy dinner. Friends who know this may find me weirdo or call me anti social, but I kinda feel loneliness suit me well. Because loneliness also is freedom. Freedom to decide go where next without needing to wait for anyone.

Because of single, I can choose to either eat raw sushi or beef. No need to ask opinion from others that go out with me.
Because of single, I can decide which shop to enter and do not need to wait for friends choose their clothes while wasting time looking around for nothing.
Because of single, I can go watch ghost movie or sentimental movie without fearing that it will scare or bored others (particularly alien.)

Even when I am at home, I enjoy doing things at midnite. When the world seems so quiet. No more Mother voice to ask me help her laundry etc.

Recently, I have been thinking abt doing backpack travelling. Live my life as I wish, without boundaries. 逍遥自在 (^^)

p/s: Wonder is there any alien want to introduce their single alien friend to me. :P

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