was thinking since yesterday... wat should i write??
Well... Ok i would like to start wit Dreams....
Everyone have a dream and I'm for sure. But not everyone can make it come true.... When i'm young (doesn't mean i'm very old now)I always dream to be a teacher cos thats the only occupation that we know- teacher. When at that time after school we still play School, now i wonder shouldn't we feel bored? Oh well kids... Then later when i reach a certain age i dream to become an artist, to draw what ever i desire, I draw wat ever i fancy, day or nite. Hence when i almost graduate i finally decided I should be an interior designer since I thought that most probably there'll be a No Future for an artist...
Now I end up doing wat I least wanted and Art, I hav throw it away many years ago... I don remember Art too much until few days ago, an artist show me his Album and suddenly all my dreams pop out! Why i had end up to be like this?
I feel like i hav not been happy for years, all is because i lost my dreams. Dreams are necessary for life. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
But wat is my dream now?

Everyone is capable of dreaming a dream, but only a few actually become a dream. All you need to dream is a desire, but it takes more than a desire to become a dream. The process of becoming a dream requires persistent action and here is why only a few make it

Think abt it... n happy reading~
:D phobia failure is always the obstacle of pursuing one dreams ? if u can overcome that phobia ... i am sure u can attain yr dream !!! jiayou :D
Ling Ling,
If you believe yourself, you can do it.
Man Man
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