Newer method or a small amend to the known method to make it much more effective.
1. Singing
You probably have seen in a movie etc, that a guy bring along a guitar and stand under alien apartment singing song. Well this method is no longer that practical or effective anymore.
i. Video shot the song you sing and upload to Youtube or other online video streaming website etc.
ii. Don't use guitar. Try something more unusual such as saxophone or violin.
iii. Be sure not just let alien know but also let her friend know about it.
iv. Be creative with the song lyric. Amend it to show this song is special for her only. Eg. Original song maybe is "I Love You, Baby". Change to "I Love (Alien Name), Baby"
2. Special Photo
Get alien photo and edit it before showing to her again. There is lots of website that now provide free service such as this.
Example :

This is a very simple editing that do not need PHOTOSHOP Guru to do it. Yet alien who see this will feel that you go thru a lot to create this special photo for her
Sample website is , ,
3. Online Game Gift
This part is more tricky. Find out did alien play online game. If yes, go to a nearest cyber cafe and ask the attendant is there any high class character that you can buy for this game. Please do make sure the character you are buying is higher level then alien character. Buy that account and then start to act as though you just meet alien "coincidentally" in the game and then start helping her to level up. Give her better armor or weapon. A lot of online game also have marriage system. So you can try to persuade alien into online marriage. And so you and alien is married not legally. Online game do have divorce too so beware. :P
4. Cooking.
This is also very tricky as cooking means you must be quite close with alien. At least you can meet alien everyday. Prepare lunch to be eaten with alien during lunch time. Or just trick alien to visit your house for a project or assignment and then show her your gourmet skill. Cooking will be 10 times better if alien is sick. Just a simple hot porridge, with you blowing the porridge cold to feed alien, that will melt alien heart.
(If I can think or notice more tactic, will post to here also. )
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