So boring that I started to compose song... :P
What's the time
seems just an hour have pass
I see my monitor screen, the time is just 11am
I am in office
But only thing in my mind, is my lovely bed
Oh, I get up and try to go to washroom
I try to read story but I am still boring
I thanks to lord above
That my sanity is still with me
even thou I am boring till crazy
*wasting my time... surfing the internet
Felling so dumb
I stare at my monitor
hoping that 5pm will reach faster
I'm wasting my time..
I try to surf the internet but dun know what to find
I go to facebook and it show page cannot be display
oh, help me please
is there someone who can make me
wake up from this dream
Repeat *
#I'm wasting my time
Checking my spam email
I fall asleep to the sound
of "teet, time is 11am"
A prayer gone blind
I'm wasting my time
My friend keep telling me
hey your job so good
no need do work but still get pay
this is the ideal job for many ppl so dun complain
Repeat * and #
This is the original song.
Another song that I found in my spam email box.
also very suitable for me
The lyrics to the song to be sung in the tune of "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt, play along the attached song.
Song title : My Cubicle
My job is stupid,
My day's a bore,
Inside this office,
From 8 to 4.
Nothing ever happens,
My life is pretty blank,
Pretending that I am working,
Pray I don't get canned.
My cubicle, my cubicle,
It's 1 of 62,
It's my small space,
In a crowded place,
Just a six by six board booth,
And I hate it, that's the truth.
When I give a sigh,
As the boss walks by,
No one ever talks to me,
Or looks me in the eye,
And I really should work,
But instead I just sit here,
And surf the internet.
And my cubicle, my cubicle,
It doesn't have a view,
It's my small space,
In a crowded place,
I sit inside there too,
And sometimes I sit here nude.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Chronicle of event that happens recently
14 Dec - Finally getting call from that company again. And it is confirm that they will offer me the job with the salary that I requested. (^^). Once I get and sign the offer letter, I will tender my resignation letter. The company will courier the offer letter to me since I am not able to go to the company during office hour to sign the letter. So if all work as planned then 22 Feb gonna start work in new company. Hooray!
15 Dec - Car break down again. This time, due to the car got a tyre puncture, I need to change the tyre. But problem happen with the spare tyre rim cannot use back the same screw. It need a shorter screw that is found at the car bonnet together with the spare tyre. Due to this information is not pass to me by my mechanic father, I use the longer screw to tighten the spare tyre to the car. Result of this is the brake failure due to mass heat generated from traction. And yes the car need to be repair again. My dear Peugeot seems like getting more and more frequent breakdown. (><) Is it sign that I need to change car?
16 Dec - Letter arrive at my house. Go thru the term & condition of the contract. All is same as what I discuss earlier during initial meeting. So left is tender the letter and see what response I will get. Based on the dept situation, I guess he should try to counter the offer as he really short of experienced staff to do work. But then if he offer increment earlier, I will not taught of changing company. Screw him for trying to treat me as cheap slave. Now unless he will give me RM 5,000 salary, else continue stay at this dept is out of consideration.
17 Dec - Gonna be a tough day for me. I really hope can get support from my friend or people that know what I will do today. I updated status at FB but seems like no one notice. Except for Ling Ling. She the only one left to care for me? I dun know. I guess just some of them dun like to comment on my FB. Like my old TARC friends. Or some just dun even check their FB that frequent to notice the status changes.
I keep login using 3G to access FB and check the status. Only at 10.30am when I see Ling support, I got the courage to actually go tender the letter.
Things happen as what I expect, he try to counter the offer. He will check what is the resource he has and then only tell me the new offer he gonna make. But it is already too late.
Still this is a tough day for me, as there is a BBQ party that will be organize later to say farewell to the Australia trainer that fly to Malaysia to teach us abt this new department. Both of them are nice people. And kinda sad needing to wear a mask and smile in front of them when deep in my heart I know I just want to leave them. I hate hypocrite. But then to live in this world, we need to wear mask and be hypocrite sometimes.
In the end of the day, I am a happier person. Coz I already see the end of the journey with this company. Things do look brighter in new company. A total new environment and a boss that have a good history. This boss is said to be the best Operation Manager ever to work in my old department. And senior staff still remember him even after the Operation Manager changes 3-4 times. So it show what legacy he has. Looking forward to work under him.
18 Dec - Holiday again. (^_^). Got planned to go movie marathon. Will watch 4 movie in 10 hours time. Start with Avatar > Couples Retreat > Bodyguards and Assassins (十月圍城) > Princess and Frog. Kinda crazy stuff to do. But I need it, to release my feelings after yesterday.
Avatar is a great movie. James Cameron able to create a very very beautiful world of Pandora. And I cannot help but fall in love with this beautiful world. So deeply in love that when I see human destroy it, tears start to build up in my eyes and slide down uncontrollably. It kinda weird to think about it, coz I am always the kind of people who enjoy destorying other people home. I use to love bury the hole in the earth that the ant make as their home. And see how the ant try to slowly remove the earth and create back their home. But now I like feeling what I am doing is so so so wrong. Just like when human cut down Navi people HomeTree.
Kudos to James Cameron. Fantastic 3D visual effect that is not just there as cosmetic but create deep feeling for the viewer of the movie. When compare it with what 2012 did, 2012 special effect is just "wow" but not that deep.
19 Dec - Avatar 3D 2nd round at Pavilion. Also my first Japanese sushi meal for almost a month. Since I start coughing at being of November, I have not have any Japanese Sushi. I MISS SALMON SASHIMI. Order lot of it and finish it almost entirely by myself.
2nd round experience with Avatar. This time still feel sad but at least I don't cry like the first time. Also the storyline etc is much more clearer this time. Due to the 3D movie, there is no subtitles like the normal 2D movie. And so need more listening skill to understand what they are saying. Begin to notice a lot of reference from various movie and games. The animal in Navi do feel like coming out from computer game. Red XIII? or Cereberus? And the story of a planet that have a spirit sound so freaking similiar to FF VII. Just that Eywa is replace with LifeStream. And the part that when Jake Sully go around finding other tribe to join in the battle against human, it feel like Lord Of The Ring again. Even their name is so similiar. "Land of Riders" Rohan :P
20 Dec - Gonna be a resting day at home after 2 days of going out. But then in the end, I kind of force to go out too. My sis BF force me to go Jogoya with him and my sis. Have a great devil meal with lots and lots of meat. And I don't need to pay for it. :P
A great Sunday weekend given the nice meal I have at night. But I dun feel too great due to 2 reason.
First is tomorrow is Monday. Working day for me.
Second is at 8.30am morning, got an SMS from a unknown person. Or I should say someone I know before, just that I remove her from my contact list. The message is very short. Just 6 words and 3 dots " I dreamt of you yesterday nite..."
A simple short message yet I wonder why she wanted to tell me this. She always is like this, trying to make you feel that you are very very special to her. And when you feel you really is, she will destroy it all by downgrading you to a nobody in her heart. I try to call her back but she did not answer my call. In the end I can only give up thinking about it. Coz I learn a hard lesson that trying to guess what is in her mind is an idiot things. Coz even she herself also do not know what is in her mind. Or in another way to say is, she change too fast that what in her mind this day will change to a total opposite the next day.
So begin the day with a bad sms that woke me up and prevent me from sleeping again. End the day with a big dinner meal at Jogoya. Energize for the coming week? I guess not. More like feeling exhausted.
21 Dec - Back to work. Counter offer is given to me. Although it is more then what I expect they will offer, it still not enough to change my mind. If only they offer this salary earlier. But there is too many "if" in this world. So final decision. LEAVE.
And I really do agree that I am making a right decision. coz today from 8am come to work until 12pm, the only work I did is go online surf net and writing this blog. Then lunch and back. training is only at 2pm till 3pm. And then continue wasting time till 5pm. If this is the work I gonna do, I can't see any future in this dept at all.
22 Dec - A chinese festival day. Dongzhi Festival. Not sure what lies ahead for my "training" today. Just hope that it will not be wasting my time again.
15 Dec - Car break down again. This time, due to the car got a tyre puncture, I need to change the tyre. But problem happen with the spare tyre rim cannot use back the same screw. It need a shorter screw that is found at the car bonnet together with the spare tyre. Due to this information is not pass to me by my mechanic father, I use the longer screw to tighten the spare tyre to the car. Result of this is the brake failure due to mass heat generated from traction. And yes the car need to be repair again. My dear Peugeot seems like getting more and more frequent breakdown. (><) Is it sign that I need to change car?
16 Dec - Letter arrive at my house. Go thru the term & condition of the contract. All is same as what I discuss earlier during initial meeting. So left is tender the letter and see what response I will get. Based on the dept situation, I guess he should try to counter the offer as he really short of experienced staff to do work. But then if he offer increment earlier, I will not taught of changing company. Screw him for trying to treat me as cheap slave. Now unless he will give me RM 5,000 salary, else continue stay at this dept is out of consideration.
17 Dec - Gonna be a tough day for me. I really hope can get support from my friend or people that know what I will do today. I updated status at FB but seems like no one notice. Except for Ling Ling. She the only one left to care for me? I dun know. I guess just some of them dun like to comment on my FB. Like my old TARC friends. Or some just dun even check their FB that frequent to notice the status changes.
I keep login using 3G to access FB and check the status. Only at 10.30am when I see Ling support, I got the courage to actually go tender the letter.
Things happen as what I expect, he try to counter the offer. He will check what is the resource he has and then only tell me the new offer he gonna make. But it is already too late.
Still this is a tough day for me, as there is a BBQ party that will be organize later to say farewell to the Australia trainer that fly to Malaysia to teach us abt this new department. Both of them are nice people. And kinda sad needing to wear a mask and smile in front of them when deep in my heart I know I just want to leave them. I hate hypocrite. But then to live in this world, we need to wear mask and be hypocrite sometimes.
In the end of the day, I am a happier person. Coz I already see the end of the journey with this company. Things do look brighter in new company. A total new environment and a boss that have a good history. This boss is said to be the best Operation Manager ever to work in my old department. And senior staff still remember him even after the Operation Manager changes 3-4 times. So it show what legacy he has. Looking forward to work under him.
18 Dec - Holiday again. (^_^). Got planned to go movie marathon. Will watch 4 movie in 10 hours time. Start with Avatar > Couples Retreat > Bodyguards and Assassins (十月圍城) > Princess and Frog. Kinda crazy stuff to do. But I need it, to release my feelings after yesterday.
Avatar is a great movie. James Cameron able to create a very very beautiful world of Pandora. And I cannot help but fall in love with this beautiful world. So deeply in love that when I see human destroy it, tears start to build up in my eyes and slide down uncontrollably. It kinda weird to think about it, coz I am always the kind of people who enjoy destorying other people home. I use to love bury the hole in the earth that the ant make as their home. And see how the ant try to slowly remove the earth and create back their home. But now I like feeling what I am doing is so so so wrong. Just like when human cut down Navi people HomeTree.
Kudos to James Cameron. Fantastic 3D visual effect that is not just there as cosmetic but create deep feeling for the viewer of the movie. When compare it with what 2012 did, 2012 special effect is just "wow" but not that deep.
19 Dec - Avatar 3D 2nd round at Pavilion. Also my first Japanese sushi meal for almost a month. Since I start coughing at being of November, I have not have any Japanese Sushi. I MISS SALMON SASHIMI. Order lot of it and finish it almost entirely by myself.
2nd round experience with Avatar. This time still feel sad but at least I don't cry like the first time. Also the storyline etc is much more clearer this time. Due to the 3D movie, there is no subtitles like the normal 2D movie. And so need more listening skill to understand what they are saying. Begin to notice a lot of reference from various movie and games. The animal in Navi do feel like coming out from computer game. Red XIII? or Cereberus? And the story of a planet that have a spirit sound so freaking similiar to FF VII. Just that Eywa is replace with LifeStream. And the part that when Jake Sully go around finding other tribe to join in the battle against human, it feel like Lord Of The Ring again. Even their name is so similiar. "Land of Riders" Rohan :P
20 Dec - Gonna be a resting day at home after 2 days of going out. But then in the end, I kind of force to go out too. My sis BF force me to go Jogoya with him and my sis. Have a great devil meal with lots and lots of meat. And I don't need to pay for it. :P
A great Sunday weekend given the nice meal I have at night. But I dun feel too great due to 2 reason.
First is tomorrow is Monday. Working day for me.
Second is at 8.30am morning, got an SMS from a unknown person. Or I should say someone I know before, just that I remove her from my contact list. The message is very short. Just 6 words and 3 dots " I dreamt of you yesterday nite..."
A simple short message yet I wonder why she wanted to tell me this. She always is like this, trying to make you feel that you are very very special to her. And when you feel you really is, she will destroy it all by downgrading you to a nobody in her heart. I try to call her back but she did not answer my call. In the end I can only give up thinking about it. Coz I learn a hard lesson that trying to guess what is in her mind is an idiot things. Coz even she herself also do not know what is in her mind. Or in another way to say is, she change too fast that what in her mind this day will change to a total opposite the next day.
So begin the day with a bad sms that woke me up and prevent me from sleeping again. End the day with a big dinner meal at Jogoya. Energize for the coming week? I guess not. More like feeling exhausted.
21 Dec - Back to work. Counter offer is given to me. Although it is more then what I expect they will offer, it still not enough to change my mind. If only they offer this salary earlier. But there is too many "if" in this world. So final decision. LEAVE.
And I really do agree that I am making a right decision. coz today from 8am come to work until 12pm, the only work I did is go online surf net and writing this blog. Then lunch and back. training is only at 2pm till 3pm. And then continue wasting time till 5pm. If this is the work I gonna do, I can't see any future in this dept at all.
22 Dec - A chinese festival day. Dongzhi Festival. Not sure what lies ahead for my "training" today. Just hope that it will not be wasting my time again.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My Dear Car
To My Super Nice Owner,
Sorry that I always break down. Give you trouble. Causing you headache and heart attack. But I really don't want to be like this. I am old. 20 years old car already.
I will do my best to serve you. Please do always keep me with you.
Love you. *MUACKS*
Apple Green Peugeot "5581"
To Apple Green Peugeot "5581"
You arr... Last month and this month combine. Cost me RM1k for your tyre, clutch, gear box suspension, Engine Suspension etc. And not that all, driving you when you making weird sound is the one that make me most tension. Dun know when you will stop moving. Dun know will you at least survive till my dad car workshop or not.
Really think of want to buy a new car and replace you.
But still I got many memory with you.
And you still is my dearest car.
I know some of your problem is also due to my careless mistake.
So I won't blame you all the time.
Also when you break down, I start to learn more on how to take care you.
Remember when you first get the clutch cable break. And causing the car no clutch.
I really tension. Don't know how to drive a manual gear car that don't have clutch.
But now, I know how to do it. (^^)
So don't you worry, we both upgrade ourself together. You be more "guai guai" and I learn more of ur drawback.
Just like a pair of old couple. We tolerate each other till white hair lor. :P
Super Nice Owner
Sorry that I always break down. Give you trouble. Causing you headache and heart attack. But I really don't want to be like this. I am old. 20 years old car already.
I will do my best to serve you. Please do always keep me with you.
Love you. *MUACKS*
Apple Green Peugeot "5581"
To Apple Green Peugeot "5581"
You arr... Last month and this month combine. Cost me RM1k for your tyre, clutch, gear box suspension, Engine Suspension etc. And not that all, driving you when you making weird sound is the one that make me most tension. Dun know when you will stop moving. Dun know will you at least survive till my dad car workshop or not.
Really think of want to buy a new car and replace you.
But still I got many memory with you.
And you still is my dearest car.
I know some of your problem is also due to my careless mistake.
So I won't blame you all the time.
Also when you break down, I start to learn more on how to take care you.
Remember when you first get the clutch cable break. And causing the car no clutch.
I really tension. Don't know how to drive a manual gear car that don't have clutch.
But now, I know how to do it. (^^)
So don't you worry, we both upgrade ourself together. You be more "guai guai" and I learn more of ur drawback.
Just like a pair of old couple. We tolerate each other till white hair lor. :P
Super Nice Owner
Monday, December 14, 2009
Today is 14 Dec...
Left 8 days before 冬至,又称“贺冬”、“冬节”. Meaning "Arrival of Winter"
Left 11 days before 25 Dec... Christmas.
Left 18 days before 1 Jan.. New Year
Left 2 months before 14 Feb... Valentine Day and coincidentally is also First day of Chinese New Year.
And that means I will grow old one year again.
Need to face my relative same old question.
"Got gf or not?" "Bring over let us see see"
If got GF I won't want to go see you all also lor. See for what? Ang Pow?
Haiz... Ang Pow money add together just enough for me to eat one meal at Jogoya.
Still, I have to face them.
Time change a person a lot.
10 years ago, I will still look forward to celebrate CNY. Now....
Learn a new word today

Meaning is "a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression."
Yes that is what I feel now... Coz feel like I am wasting my time.
Go to work at 8am but did nothing except for checking email till 10am.
Then move to start training which again did nothing much till 12pm and off to lunch for 1 hour. and continue training for another 2 more hour till 3pm. Then is finish work and again back to check email till 5pm.
That is the normal work day. If got things happen like today, it will become 8-12.30pm check email, 12.30pm - 1.30pm lunch, 1.30pm to 5pm, check email.
I can only see gloomy future in the new department that I am in now.
In melancholy state also due to the fact that I am still sick with cough and sore throat. Plus nothing really nice or good seems to happen to me recently.
Left 8 days before 冬至,又称“贺冬”、“冬节”. Meaning "Arrival of Winter"
Left 11 days before 25 Dec... Christmas.
Left 18 days before 1 Jan.. New Year
Left 2 months before 14 Feb... Valentine Day and coincidentally is also First day of Chinese New Year.
And that means I will grow old one year again.
Need to face my relative same old question.
"Got gf or not?" "Bring over let us see see"
If got GF I won't want to go see you all also lor. See for what? Ang Pow?
Haiz... Ang Pow money add together just enough for me to eat one meal at Jogoya.
Still, I have to face them.
Time change a person a lot.
10 years ago, I will still look forward to celebrate CNY. Now....
Learn a new word today

Meaning is "a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression."
Yes that is what I feel now... Coz feel like I am wasting my time.
Go to work at 8am but did nothing except for checking email till 10am.
Then move to start training which again did nothing much till 12pm and off to lunch for 1 hour. and continue training for another 2 more hour till 3pm. Then is finish work and again back to check email till 5pm.
That is the normal work day. If got things happen like today, it will become 8-12.30pm check email, 12.30pm - 1.30pm lunch, 1.30pm to 5pm, check email.
I can only see gloomy future in the new department that I am in now.
In melancholy state also due to the fact that I am still sick with cough and sore throat. Plus nothing really nice or good seems to happen to me recently.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Mind wondering when I am free....
Today been one of the most free day in my life. Coz I am sitting in front of the PC doing pratically nothing but staring at wall, browing wiki for some travel location and wondering.
This world is really weird. We all is like a small piece of instrument that keep this world clockwork working. When we are in this world, we need to keep doing what we suppose to do and make sure the world spin. However when we suddenly dissappear in this world, the world won't collapse or stop spining.
Yet in most of the time, the other clockwork (People) around us will make it sound like if we are not there, the whole world will stop work. The company for example, if we are not to come for work they will demand to know the reason. And they will enforce all sort of regulation just to make sure that your reason is valid.
The funny part is these people who make the regulation also suffer from the same regulation they make. For example, if I am not feeling well to come to work, I need to call at least 2 hour before my work time but I am not allow to call the night or the day before. So if let say my work time is 8am. Then that means I need to wake up at 5.30am to call my boss. And due to the regulation he set, he get a nice wake up call at 5.30am telling him that one of his staff is sick and he has to try to get back to sleep after the call. Sound easy task to get back to sleep? For some people yes, but for most people, no. Even if they manage to get back to sleep, their body is not resting enough and they will suffer in the day. Solution to the problem, Coffee and cigerratte. Did that solve their problem? Obviously no, coz the root cause is not solve, coffee and cigerratte is also bad for health.
I find all these is really rubbish and funny. But I am in no position to change these regulation which is highly in practical. Reason given is rules exist because of a reason. Even if you don't see it the same way you need to follow it. Because that what make this whole world, this whole clockwork works. As if the world will really stop spin if you are not around. I am sure the world will still go on, people still get on with their life if I suddenly dissappear from this world. The most that will happen is they probably pause for a minute or 2 with flashback of memory, and then continue be the clockwork.
Another funny aspect, they all love to keep on say it is important for our existence in maintaining the clockwork. Maintaining the world spin, yet we never get the kind of respect or pay that commensurate with it. Some maybe getting a word "Thanks. Appreciate your help mate." but for most of the case, what we getting is just "ok" to indicate that the other clockwork know that we did our part. And then we continue the whole cycle again. Cycle of life? Part of growing up? Adult world?
I dun know what to say. I just feel like lost. It is like floating in the sea, I can't do anything to go against the tide and I need to let the tide rush me off to whatever direction of doom that the tide flow.
So for me, now life is like to repeat the clockwork thing everyday and be smart to monitor what other clockwork is doing, Jump at that clockwork and take over it work when you can. But becareful when you do it, coz the other clockwork things may not be any better then what you are doing now.
Now from another point of view, let see little ant for example. We are sure have seen how ant carry food from one place back to it nest. I use to be a bad boy, try to stop them by creating obstacle for them. Such as pour some water on top of their path. Enjoy watching them wonder around the water trying to get back to their path. But in the end, the ant still manage to get back to the path. Continue the journey to carry food back to the nest.
So now life is probably works like the nest. You either don't think why you have to do something. You just do it or think how to do it. Or you can die, sitting there wondering why you need to repeat it. Why need to be the clockwork. Just like this ant never question why he need to carry the food back to the nest for someone he never knows to eat. He just do it or he can be left behind dying.
So for anyone that tell me, life is about beliving god, pray to god, or life is about enjoying, about entertainment, well either you got someone who do all the clockwork for you and support you, or you are on the way to death.
At least that is what I feel when I am writing this. But gosh I wish I can just die and out of this misery. Hold it... Die? What is prove that Death is the end of this cycle? There is no prove stating this. Death probably just begin of another life. Begin of another cycle.
So what is we should do... wondering... but isn't that what I should not do? Well thinking of this, I am already doing it. Hahaha...
So this is what this blog entry about. How sometimes I think of life and how I keep on creating endless deadlock that getting to nowhere.
Immatured? Idiot? Maybe... But then I feel wondering is at least more interesting then staring at monitor and pretend doing something.
This world is really weird. We all is like a small piece of instrument that keep this world clockwork working. When we are in this world, we need to keep doing what we suppose to do and make sure the world spin. However when we suddenly dissappear in this world, the world won't collapse or stop spining.
Yet in most of the time, the other clockwork (People) around us will make it sound like if we are not there, the whole world will stop work. The company for example, if we are not to come for work they will demand to know the reason. And they will enforce all sort of regulation just to make sure that your reason is valid.
The funny part is these people who make the regulation also suffer from the same regulation they make. For example, if I am not feeling well to come to work, I need to call at least 2 hour before my work time but I am not allow to call the night or the day before. So if let say my work time is 8am. Then that means I need to wake up at 5.30am to call my boss. And due to the regulation he set, he get a nice wake up call at 5.30am telling him that one of his staff is sick and he has to try to get back to sleep after the call. Sound easy task to get back to sleep? For some people yes, but for most people, no. Even if they manage to get back to sleep, their body is not resting enough and they will suffer in the day. Solution to the problem, Coffee and cigerratte. Did that solve their problem? Obviously no, coz the root cause is not solve, coffee and cigerratte is also bad for health.
I find all these is really rubbish and funny. But I am in no position to change these regulation which is highly in practical. Reason given is rules exist because of a reason. Even if you don't see it the same way you need to follow it. Because that what make this whole world, this whole clockwork works. As if the world will really stop spin if you are not around. I am sure the world will still go on, people still get on with their life if I suddenly dissappear from this world. The most that will happen is they probably pause for a minute or 2 with flashback of memory, and then continue be the clockwork.
Another funny aspect, they all love to keep on say it is important for our existence in maintaining the clockwork. Maintaining the world spin, yet we never get the kind of respect or pay that commensurate with it. Some maybe getting a word "Thanks. Appreciate your help mate." but for most of the case, what we getting is just "ok" to indicate that the other clockwork know that we did our part. And then we continue the whole cycle again. Cycle of life? Part of growing up? Adult world?
I dun know what to say. I just feel like lost. It is like floating in the sea, I can't do anything to go against the tide and I need to let the tide rush me off to whatever direction of doom that the tide flow.
So for me, now life is like to repeat the clockwork thing everyday and be smart to monitor what other clockwork is doing, Jump at that clockwork and take over it work when you can. But becareful when you do it, coz the other clockwork things may not be any better then what you are doing now.
Now from another point of view, let see little ant for example. We are sure have seen how ant carry food from one place back to it nest. I use to be a bad boy, try to stop them by creating obstacle for them. Such as pour some water on top of their path. Enjoy watching them wonder around the water trying to get back to their path. But in the end, the ant still manage to get back to the path. Continue the journey to carry food back to the nest.
So now life is probably works like the nest. You either don't think why you have to do something. You just do it or think how to do it. Or you can die, sitting there wondering why you need to repeat it. Why need to be the clockwork. Just like this ant never question why he need to carry the food back to the nest for someone he never knows to eat. He just do it or he can be left behind dying.
So for anyone that tell me, life is about beliving god, pray to god, or life is about enjoying, about entertainment, well either you got someone who do all the clockwork for you and support you, or you are on the way to death.
At least that is what I feel when I am writing this. But gosh I wish I can just die and out of this misery. Hold it... Die? What is prove that Death is the end of this cycle? There is no prove stating this. Death probably just begin of another life. Begin of another cycle.
So what is we should do... wondering... but isn't that what I should not do? Well thinking of this, I am already doing it. Hahaha...
So this is what this blog entry about. How sometimes I think of life and how I keep on creating endless deadlock that getting to nowhere.
Immatured? Idiot? Maybe... But then I feel wondering is at least more interesting then staring at monitor and pretend doing something.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Medicine and Me....
Medicine and Me...
This month, since 2nd Nov, I am sick with cough until today.
At first is sore throat and cold. Then sore throat better but the flu cause me to cough badly.
Cough until my throat become sore again. >.<>.<) Haiz.... Now I have to eat these many medicine.
Many medicine... Well this is just the medicine I eat this time. The same amout of medicine I have eat 2 more times this month. (>.<) Medicine and me... Is it we really have a deep relation that we cannot be separated? I still remember a lot of my childhood memory, that is related to medicine. I remember when I am small, I like to eat cough medicine. Coz the cough medicine that doctor give normally have coke flavor. And I feel it is very tasty. :P Hahaha! Got once I remember see my sis eating the cough medicine, that time I am very healthy but coz I am still little, I just feel my sis is eating a very nice thing and I cannot eat. And so I pretend cough in front of my mother and say "你看我咳的几厉害?还不带我去看医生。还不买药给我吃。" ( You see how badly I cough. You still don't bring me see doctor? Still don't buy cough medicine for me?")
Yes that is me, when I am small. I love to eat medicine. My mom use to say, she is very grateful about this. Coz she see how when other child eat medicine is like killing the mother, she is very happy that she don't have these difficulty.
I also remember that I try so many cough syrup that time and I already know what is the best taste type. This is my favourite cough syrup. Yummy. Hahahaha

So just a little medicine, yet it seems to have so many memory in my brain. Is it I have a too strong brain. Maybe I do! So those that done bad things to me, remember I am Scorpio. I will always remember.
Hope I can say bye bye to November with a healthy body. (^_^)
This month, since 2nd Nov, I am sick with cough until today.
At first is sore throat and cold. Then sore throat better but the flu cause me to cough badly.
Cough until my throat become sore again. >.<>.<) Haiz.... Now I have to eat these many medicine.
Many medicine... Well this is just the medicine I eat this time. The same amout of medicine I have eat 2 more times this month. (>.<) Medicine and me... Is it we really have a deep relation that we cannot be separated? I still remember a lot of my childhood memory, that is related to medicine. I remember when I am small, I like to eat cough medicine. Coz the cough medicine that doctor give normally have coke flavor. And I feel it is very tasty. :P Hahaha! Got once I remember see my sis eating the cough medicine, that time I am very healthy but coz I am still little, I just feel my sis is eating a very nice thing and I cannot eat. And so I pretend cough in front of my mother and say "你看我咳的几厉害?还不带我去看医生。还不买药给我吃。" ( You see how badly I cough. You still don't bring me see doctor? Still don't buy cough medicine for me?")
Yes that is me, when I am small. I love to eat medicine. My mom use to say, she is very grateful about this. Coz she see how when other child eat medicine is like killing the mother, she is very happy that she don't have these difficulty.
I also remember that I try so many cough syrup that time and I already know what is the best taste type. This is my favourite cough syrup. Yummy. Hahahaha

So just a little medicine, yet it seems to have so many memory in my brain. Is it I have a too strong brain. Maybe I do! So those that done bad things to me, remember I am Scorpio. I will always remember.
Hope I can say bye bye to November with a healthy body. (^_^)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
End of the World ... 2012?
Just back home from watching 2012.
Been hearing a lot of comment from my list of Facebook friend since last week. About how good this movie. Now that I watch it, I must say it is very good but at the same time hard to believe. Not to say that the world destruction part. But the part that the main character in this movie able to run away and survive with everything around them collapse. Lucky? Or just coz there are the movie main character. If they die, the movie end at the first hour. And we all do not need to be in the cinema holding the bladder for the next 2 hour. :P
Now, lot of people after watch this movie will start to think, Will the world end on 2012? Should we do something to prevent this and start to more care the nature? Preserve earth?
I even hear friend suggesting that we should now start to swap the credit card. Use all the saving, and even borrow money from loan shark and go Las Vegas, Paris etc. Coz when the world end on 2012, we don't need to worry about paying back the debt.
For me, feel scared for the world to end is foolish. Coz even if the world don't end, we still need to die. The different is just we have till 2012 or we have maybe till 2072. Coz in the end, all human will still die. So instead of worrying will the world end, we probably should think of what or how to spend the time that is left. Like go travel to place we wish to go. Or the loan shark idea is interesting.
Comment on the movie.... This part is spoiler. :P
The guy Adrian is a foolish guy. Too idealistic. Always talk about right, and saving humanity. Haiz... I wonder of all the people he let to board the ship, how many of them really deserve the place. The people he save, maybe criminal. Maybe a person that responsible for selling poisonous stuff in 3rd world country and earn billions to pay for the ship ticket. Example, of such a person is like the poison milk powder company CEO at China. So what sort of humanity did he successfully save? He maybe do more damage to the humanity that survive 2012 by allowing those criminal board the ship.
The pilot guy... hmm.. heard my FB friend comment about him. Now that I see him, I can understand why those girl like him. But his name in that movie is Sahsa... Wonder do Hollywood know what that sound in Mandarin?
Got lots of thing in my mind when watch the movie. Such as survival is only a privilege to people that is rich or people that is very good at what they do. Like a very good scientist, or a billionaire.
So if you wish to survive in this world, be anyone of these 2 type of people. Then you will survive.
Or ... why the president of America is black guy but her daughter look more like a spanish girl :P
But sure I won't think of who I want to be with if the world end.
Been hearing a lot of comment from my list of Facebook friend since last week. About how good this movie. Now that I watch it, I must say it is very good but at the same time hard to believe. Not to say that the world destruction part. But the part that the main character in this movie able to run away and survive with everything around them collapse. Lucky? Or just coz there are the movie main character. If they die, the movie end at the first hour. And we all do not need to be in the cinema holding the bladder for the next 2 hour. :P
Now, lot of people after watch this movie will start to think, Will the world end on 2012? Should we do something to prevent this and start to more care the nature? Preserve earth?
I even hear friend suggesting that we should now start to swap the credit card. Use all the saving, and even borrow money from loan shark and go Las Vegas, Paris etc. Coz when the world end on 2012, we don't need to worry about paying back the debt.
For me, feel scared for the world to end is foolish. Coz even if the world don't end, we still need to die. The different is just we have till 2012 or we have maybe till 2072. Coz in the end, all human will still die. So instead of worrying will the world end, we probably should think of what or how to spend the time that is left. Like go travel to place we wish to go. Or the loan shark idea is interesting.
Comment on the movie.... This part is spoiler. :P
The guy Adrian is a foolish guy. Too idealistic. Always talk about right, and saving humanity. Haiz... I wonder of all the people he let to board the ship, how many of them really deserve the place. The people he save, maybe criminal. Maybe a person that responsible for selling poisonous stuff in 3rd world country and earn billions to pay for the ship ticket. Example, of such a person is like the poison milk powder company CEO at China. So what sort of humanity did he successfully save? He maybe do more damage to the humanity that survive 2012 by allowing those criminal board the ship.
The pilot guy... hmm.. heard my FB friend comment about him. Now that I see him, I can understand why those girl like him. But his name in that movie is Sahsa... Wonder do Hollywood know what that sound in Mandarin?
Got lots of thing in my mind when watch the movie. Such as survival is only a privilege to people that is rich or people that is very good at what they do. Like a very good scientist, or a billionaire.
So if you wish to survive in this world, be anyone of these 2 type of people. Then you will survive.
Or ... why the president of America is black guy but her daughter look more like a spanish girl :P
But sure I won't think of who I want to be with if the world end.
Monday, November 16, 2009
My 2009 Birthday Celebration - Gift
My 2009 Birthday Celebration - Gift
Sony Ericsson Satio
Yes... that is the gift I bought for myself for this year birthday.
What so special with this phone.
1. It is Sony Ericson Iphone killer.
2. It got 12 megapixel camera with GeoTag, Touch Focus, Face & Smile detection.
3. It got Symbian OS, Wifi enable, 3G Ready,
4. 3.5" inch touch screen, 360*640 Pixel, 16million color
5. It is a Sony :P
(The following photo is taken from

I have do a personal photo shootout between my old Sony Erisson K800, new Satio and Digital Camera Panasonic DMC-FX36.
The photo speak for itself.
First photo is taken using Sony Ericson K800

Second photo is taken using Sony Ericson Satio

Third photo is taken using Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX36

Now the best thing I love about this new handphone camera is the touch focus.
Finally no more stupid auto focus that drive me crazy lots of times. Yeah I know, I hear the Nikon fans screaming about her DSLR can do it way better but for me slowly move the zoom things and setting this and that will drive me even more crazy. So all hail to the mighty touch focus for Sony Ericsson Satio
First photo, using the camera auto focus. See how the photo got this blurry feel.

Second photo, using the camera touch focus on the top part of the cake. Notice the green tea powder at the top of the cake is clearly shown. (^^)

So basically that is all the gift I get for this year birthday. Other friends just decided to treat me a good meal which is really nice. Coz they so understand me. Know that I am a piggy. Love to eat. Yummy. (^^) Ha~! Ha~! Ha~!
And so that ends it all... I am 26 now. But many people still mistaken me for 21 or 22 years old fresh graduate. :P
Sony Ericsson Satio
Yes... that is the gift I bought for myself for this year birthday.
What so special with this phone.
1. It is Sony Ericson Iphone killer.
2. It got 12 megapixel camera with GeoTag, Touch Focus, Face & Smile detection.
3. It got Symbian OS, Wifi enable, 3G Ready,
4. 3.5" inch touch screen, 360*640 Pixel, 16million color
5. It is a Sony :P
(The following photo is taken from

I have do a personal photo shootout between my old Sony Erisson K800, new Satio and Digital Camera Panasonic DMC-FX36.
The photo speak for itself.
First photo is taken using Sony Ericson K800
Second photo is taken using Sony Ericson Satio
Third photo is taken using Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX36
Now the best thing I love about this new handphone camera is the touch focus.
Finally no more stupid auto focus that drive me crazy lots of times. Yeah I know, I hear the Nikon fans screaming about her DSLR can do it way better but for me slowly move the zoom things and setting this and that will drive me even more crazy. So all hail to the mighty touch focus for Sony Ericsson Satio
First photo, using the camera auto focus. See how the photo got this blurry feel.
Second photo, using the camera touch focus on the top part of the cake. Notice the green tea powder at the top of the cake is clearly shown. (^^)
So basically that is all the gift I get for this year birthday. Other friends just decided to treat me a good meal which is really nice. Coz they so understand me. Know that I am a piggy. Love to eat. Yummy. (^^) Ha~! Ha~! Ha~!
And so that ends it all... I am 26 now. But many people still mistaken me for 21 or 22 years old fresh graduate. :P
Saturday, November 14, 2009
15 Nov 2009
15 Nov 2009....
26 years have pass.
26 years ago, I am born.
Live and see this world for 26 years.
Sometimes, I feel this world is familiar to me but sometimes I feel it is a stranger to me. Like I never know this world. Never will be able to survive in it.
But thanks to my supportive, loving and caring parent. I survive for 26 years.
Also thanks for all my best friends that is real and accompany me walking this road of life. You all is the best that happen to me.
26 years have pass. Like "柴九" say, "人生有幾多個十年?", got how many 10 years we can waste. So lets live it with lots of fun and no regret.
Happy 26th Birthday to myself.
26 years have pass.
26 years ago, I am born.
Live and see this world for 26 years.
Sometimes, I feel this world is familiar to me but sometimes I feel it is a stranger to me. Like I never know this world. Never will be able to survive in it.
But thanks to my supportive, loving and caring parent. I survive for 26 years.
Also thanks for all my best friends that is real and accompany me walking this road of life. You all is the best that happen to me.
26 years have pass. Like "柴九" say, "人生有幾多個十年?", got how many 10 years we can waste. So lets live it with lots of fun and no regret.
Happy 26th Birthday to myself.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Lonely Or Freedom ..... ?
Lonely... by definition of dictionary, it means, affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome.
Freedom... by definition of dictionary, it means, the absence of or release from ties, obligations, etc.
These 2 words don't seems to relate to each other.
That it what it seems.
But for me, these 2 words can describe my life.
Freedom.. free from any obligation. Life without Boundaries.
But at the sametime why can I be free? Why am I without any obligation.
What is the kind of obligation other people normally will have and I don't?
Other people have family, wife, children, and most important, LOVER.
I don't.
When they need to think of saving money for the future house with their lover, I can spend RM 2500 on a handphone.
When they need to think of the food that their lover don't like to eat, such as raw sushi, I can just go ahead and eat anything I like.
So in short.... Freedom that I enjoy now is due to Lonely.
Most of the time I do enjoy these freedom, but sometime, I do hope not to have the freedom. So that I don't need to feel lonely.
Like when I feel want to go grab some free Air Asia ticket, the first thing I think of is go with who. And think abt it... I really can't think of anyone that willing to go and share a hotel room with me. So in the end, I have no choice but to give up the plan.
Go travel alone?
Haiz... I dun know how to take camera photo alone.
Serve me right for keep on choosing?
Keep on hoping for Rainie Yang or Song Hye-kyo as my gf?
Actually, my request is just very simple. I just hope to find a girl that understand me. But that seems to be a Mountain Everest request. Impossible to achieve just like hoping for Rainie Yang or Song Hye Kyo to be my gf.
Today is 12 Nov... 3 more days left. But I just feel that my heart is full of sorrow, life full of misery. I know I am not the most unlucky guy or most disastrous life guy. But I can't help feeling the person that is in my future, where is she or will she be there?
I'm standing in the line, holing ticket to Love.
Freedom... by definition of dictionary, it means, the absence of or release from ties, obligations, etc.
These 2 words don't seems to relate to each other.
That it what it seems.
But for me, these 2 words can describe my life.
Freedom.. free from any obligation. Life without Boundaries.
But at the sametime why can I be free? Why am I without any obligation.
What is the kind of obligation other people normally will have and I don't?
Other people have family, wife, children, and most important, LOVER.
I don't.
When they need to think of saving money for the future house with their lover, I can spend RM 2500 on a handphone.
When they need to think of the food that their lover don't like to eat, such as raw sushi, I can just go ahead and eat anything I like.
So in short.... Freedom that I enjoy now is due to Lonely.
Most of the time I do enjoy these freedom, but sometime, I do hope not to have the freedom. So that I don't need to feel lonely.
Like when I feel want to go grab some free Air Asia ticket, the first thing I think of is go with who. And think abt it... I really can't think of anyone that willing to go and share a hotel room with me. So in the end, I have no choice but to give up the plan.
Go travel alone?
Haiz... I dun know how to take camera photo alone.
Serve me right for keep on choosing?
Keep on hoping for Rainie Yang or Song Hye-kyo as my gf?
Actually, my request is just very simple. I just hope to find a girl that understand me. But that seems to be a Mountain Everest request. Impossible to achieve just like hoping for Rainie Yang or Song Hye Kyo to be my gf.
Today is 12 Nov... 3 more days left. But I just feel that my heart is full of sorrow, life full of misery. I know I am not the most unlucky guy or most disastrous life guy. But I can't help feeling the person that is in my future, where is she or will she be there?
I'm standing in the line, holing ticket to Love.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Blog = Web Diary???
8 Nov 2009 - Sunday. Instead of like many others that go out shopping etc, I prefer to stay at home. Maybe is coz of the hot sunny weather. Or the crowd in shopping mall. Or the queue to get into car park. Or whatever reason. I find myself more and more otaku. Kind of like antisocial.
Even this blog also, instead of keeping me in touch with friends, and let them understand what is happening to me, it slowly begin to just be me reading what I write. Like a diary.
The only fun things is, when I slowly go thru back what I write, I will laugh sometimes on my own thinking.
Haiz... 8 Nov already. Just 7 more days left. A lot of people still taught I am fresh graduate. But when I say, I already 26, they like "wah..." Wonder is looking young a good thing or not? For gals maybe is, but for guys, shouldn't I look more matured? Maybe that is why I stilll single......
Yesterday I have go buy a birthday present for myself. Taught maybe need to wait till my birthday period over then only can get it. Lucky it is not. (^^)
Want to know what present it is? Hehehe... SECRET.
I will try to group all this 2009 birthday present and celebration later into a post.
So that next year I can still see back and remember abt this 2009 birthday celebration.
Even this blog also, instead of keeping me in touch with friends, and let them understand what is happening to me, it slowly begin to just be me reading what I write. Like a diary.
The only fun things is, when I slowly go thru back what I write, I will laugh sometimes on my own thinking.
Haiz... 8 Nov already. Just 7 more days left. A lot of people still taught I am fresh graduate. But when I say, I already 26, they like "wah..." Wonder is looking young a good thing or not? For gals maybe is, but for guys, shouldn't I look more matured? Maybe that is why I stilll single......
Yesterday I have go buy a birthday present for myself. Taught maybe need to wait till my birthday period over then only can get it. Lucky it is not. (^^)
Want to know what present it is? Hehehe... SECRET.
I will try to group all this 2009 birthday present and celebration later into a post.
So that next year I can still see back and remember abt this 2009 birthday celebration.
離婚協議書 (轉貼, 作者:佚名)
A very nice story that I read on internet. Share with all of you.
離婚協議書 (轉貼, 作者:佚名)
我會幫他打點上班 的衣物,什麼襯衫配什麼領帶,經過我的審美才准他穿上身。
因此,洗手台上Hello Kitty和小叮噹圖樣,漱口杯左右對峙,小叮噹的杯裡插著一支綠色牙刷,是我的,Hello Kitty則是空的,因為他前一陣子已改用電動牙刷,擺在架子上。
而擺在盥洗室的漱口杯,他根本搞不清楚小叮噹是他的或Hello Kitty才是他的,他以為粉紅色是女孩子的頻色,所以他一直用著小叮噹的嗽口杯。
原來,我們一直在無形間,做著親密的唇齒交流,可憐了Hello Kitty,擺在那兒沒人用,成了個裝飾品。
「只是因為無聊嗎?如果一個人在家無聊,妳想出去學東西、去工作、和朋友 去逛街,我不會阻撓妳。」
可是 ……
這個意思是… …?
My feeling when read this story is very special. At first I taught it will be a bad ending. The guy sure is outside got another woman. And poor little wife. But as I go thru it, haiz... why there is such a matching couple in this world. And yet the fate almost play a joke on them. Making them separate from each other. Lucky destiny bought them back together. Lucky the guy say out all the feeling to the woman. Sometimes we human is like this, we always just see how much we have done for the other person, and keep feel the other person should do something similar for us. But actually the other person have done it but we never notice. Keep thinking the bad side of all his action. Wishing all real partner in this world, to try voice out their feeling.
離婚協議書 (轉貼, 作者:佚名)
我會幫他打點上班 的衣物,什麼襯衫配什麼領帶,經過我的審美才准他穿上身
因此,洗手台上Hello Kitty和小叮噹圖樣,漱口杯左右對峙,小叮噹的杯裡
可是 ……
這個意思是… …?
My feeling when read this story is very special. At first I taught it will be a bad ending. The guy sure is outside got another woman. And poor little wife. But as I go thru it, haiz... why there is such a matching couple in this world. And yet the fate almost play a joke on them. Making them separate from each other. Lucky destiny bought them back together. Lucky the guy say out all the feeling to the woman. Sometimes we human is like this, we always just see how much we have done for the other person, and keep feel the other person should do something similar for us. But actually the other person have done it but we never notice. Keep thinking the bad side of all his action. Wishing all real partner in this world, to try voice out their feeling.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Music & My Life.........
Since I am young, I have been listen to Cantonese and Mandarin song. Coz my mom will always switch on her radio while doing the house chores. Also due to that, a lot of song that time, I may not know who sing or what is the song name. But I always can remember the lyric and can sing along when hear that familiar melody.
As I grow older, music become a part of my life. Help to give me strength to continue doing my work. When sometimes after a full lunch meal, and the drowsy start to hit me, a simple song 金亞中 - Maria or Canon In D will help wake me up.
Alright, let's start now
Here we go again
Make it hot, Baby
Oh! Don't be afraid
High in the sky
The sun shines the way
Oh! Don't you stop, Baby
#Maria Ave Maria
Fly and catch those clouds
Maria Ave Maria
Strong against violent waves
(Repeat #)
It's laying right before your eyes
Oh~ Never stop
Fly to the end of those white clouds
(Repeat #)
But that is not all music means to me. When I feel sad, feel like the whole world gonna collapse on me, I will start to listen to very very sad song. Such as .... 王苑之 - 我的心真的受傷了
And as the melody go, tears will slowly build up in my eyes. But don't know is it as a person grow old, the tears in my eyes seems like not so easy to fall. Or is it when we really really pain in the heart, we cannot even cry it out. That is what I feel when I hear this song. And so I will feel what a greater pain then the bad day I have currently and start to be in my sad memory world.
Many people say, the beauty of a song is how the song will bring up memory of your life as you listen to it. Flashback of scene just appear in your mind. I always do have that kind of feeling. Sometimes as I am driving my car, a familiar melody begin to come out from my car radio, the flashback begin.
I still remember how I always feel this song is like saying my story with her. When I hear this song, I just can't stop to remember how I start to fall in love with her. Just because we can talk whole night in my small little Kancil, from how our old secondary school story. About how she start to experience her first love, first bf. The song seems like saying me, get hit by her cupid arrow at that night. And just like they lyric, I am not suppose to love her. Coz love is too dangerous. Cupid arrow always match the wrong person. This song is .... 古巨基 - 中箭
Tonight, the song that suddenly bring out so many memory is not the song above. Is another song that I have listen suddenly on yesterday. And the flashback still appear until today. 陳慧琳 - 記事本
你讨厌被冷落 习惯被守候
等你等太久 想你泪会流
爱的痛了 痛的哭了 哭的累了
记载着你的好 像上瘾的毒药
爱的痛了 痛的哭了 哭的累了
劝自己要放手 闭上眼让你走
This song lyric is really suitable for me. I keep on try to perfect your image in my heart. Keep try to think of you good to deceive myself. To hide the bad things I see in you. But the struggle in my heart just keep getting greater. And even to the last conversation we have, you still avoid and say all the while you just treat me as Big Brother. But when these words come from you, there is 2 things I can think of. 1st is when you forget my birthday, the reason you give me is you will only remember close family member birthday and forget all friend and bf birthday. So you still insist you just treat me as Big Brother? 2nd is when you put your head on my shoulder in cinema and say you feel yourself got a bit love me. But as usual you will always forget all these. Coz for you the most important thing is your own face, pride, and your desire for everyone to love, envy and jealous for you. That is why I deleted you from contact and memory.
So, until now I guess it clearly explain how music can effect my life a lot. Sometimes feel like song that I love to listen is because the lyric is like telling my life story.
10 more days left. Gonna be anniversary of an important date. I guess the song that will be playing in my mind these few days will be this last song I share with you all ...... 温岚 - 祝我生日快乐
P/s : No, I don't love her anymore but the scar is still there and won't heal.
As I grow older, music become a part of my life. Help to give me strength to continue doing my work. When sometimes after a full lunch meal, and the drowsy start to hit me, a simple song 金亞中 - Maria or Canon In D will help wake me up.
Alright, let's start now
Here we go again
Make it hot, Baby
Oh! Don't be afraid
High in the sky
The sun shines the way
Oh! Don't you stop, Baby
#Maria Ave Maria
Fly and catch those clouds
Maria Ave Maria
Strong against violent waves
(Repeat #)
It's laying right before your eyes
Oh~ Never stop
Fly to the end of those white clouds
(Repeat #)
But that is not all music means to me. When I feel sad, feel like the whole world gonna collapse on me, I will start to listen to very very sad song. Such as .... 王苑之 - 我的心真的受傷了
And as the melody go, tears will slowly build up in my eyes. But don't know is it as a person grow old, the tears in my eyes seems like not so easy to fall. Or is it when we really really pain in the heart, we cannot even cry it out. That is what I feel when I hear this song. And so I will feel what a greater pain then the bad day I have currently and start to be in my sad memory world.
Many people say, the beauty of a song is how the song will bring up memory of your life as you listen to it. Flashback of scene just appear in your mind. I always do have that kind of feeling. Sometimes as I am driving my car, a familiar melody begin to come out from my car radio, the flashback begin.
I still remember how I always feel this song is like saying my story with her. When I hear this song, I just can't stop to remember how I start to fall in love with her. Just because we can talk whole night in my small little Kancil, from how our old secondary school story. About how she start to experience her first love, first bf. The song seems like saying me, get hit by her cupid arrow at that night. And just like they lyric, I am not suppose to love her. Coz love is too dangerous. Cupid arrow always match the wrong person. This song is .... 古巨基 - 中箭
Tonight, the song that suddenly bring out so many memory is not the song above. Is another song that I have listen suddenly on yesterday. And the flashback still appear until today. 陳慧琳 - 記事本
你讨厌被冷落 习惯被守候
等你等太久 想你泪会流
爱的痛了 痛的哭了 哭的累了
记载着你的好 像上瘾的毒药
爱的痛了 痛的哭了 哭的累了
劝自己要放手 闭上眼让你走
This song lyric is really suitable for me. I keep on try to perfect your image in my heart. Keep try to think of you good to deceive myself. To hide the bad things I see in you. But the struggle in my heart just keep getting greater. And even to the last conversation we have, you still avoid and say all the while you just treat me as Big Brother. But when these words come from you, there is 2 things I can think of. 1st is when you forget my birthday, the reason you give me is you will only remember close family member birthday and forget all friend and bf birthday. So you still insist you just treat me as Big Brother? 2nd is when you put your head on my shoulder in cinema and say you feel yourself got a bit love me. But as usual you will always forget all these. Coz for you the most important thing is your own face, pride, and your desire for everyone to love, envy and jealous for you. That is why I deleted you from contact and memory.
So, until now I guess it clearly explain how music can effect my life a lot. Sometimes feel like song that I love to listen is because the lyric is like telling my life story.
10 more days left. Gonna be anniversary of an important date. I guess the song that will be playing in my mind these few days will be this last song I share with you all ...... 温岚 - 祝我生日快乐
P/s : No, I don't love her anymore but the scar is still there and won't heal.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Every ending is a NEW BEGINNING
Every ending is a NEW BEGINNING
Today is the last working day at my old department. I still remember I start work there since 10 November 2005. And now left at 31 Oct 2009. Almost 4 years. Almost...
Lots of sweet memory, but even more bitter memory. Meet a lot of friends but at the same time meet a lot of person that I hate. Too much that happen in this 4 years there. But then all things should come to an end. So long my dear friends. Tomorrow I will begin to work in the new department. For the better or for the worst.
Today is the last working day at my old department. I still remember I start work there since 10 November 2005. And now left at 31 Oct 2009. Almost 4 years. Almost...
Lots of sweet memory, but even more bitter memory. Meet a lot of friends but at the same time meet a lot of person that I hate. Too much that happen in this 4 years there. But then all things should come to an end. So long my dear friends. Tomorrow I will begin to work in the new department. For the better or for the worst.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
We forget the main reason......
It is now mid Sat nite. Or I should say early morning Sunday. Coz the time is 3am Sunday. Instead of sleeping at my lovely bed, I am sitting in office, thinking of what is happening to me and to all my friends. Thinking of things that I have miss out when things just happen to fast for my mind to think clearly and react correctly.
For me, I feel this is very important coz we human tend to forget the basis or the main reason when we do things. A very classic example is when we earn money. Most of us try to earn money so that we can live more comfortable. So that our children can have better education. So that our wife and family can live more happier. And so that is the "main reason". But as we do this, we neglect to give children the education. Teach the child how to read ABC. We just pay the tuition fees and taught that is the "better education" that the child need. We also spend hours and hours working OT until our health have problem and thus we need to earn even more money so that we can live "more comfortable" with better health. So as what I can see the main reason we earn money is to have better life, but we tend to lose focus or have the wrong understanding of "more money = better life". In reality that is not entirely true. Money is merely a human invention for ease of trading but human get to wrong ideas and think that money is source of evil.
Another things we tend to forget when we teach our children. We tell them education is very important because with good education good qualification they can get good salary. That really is what most parent thinks of how it should be. But in reality is it that way? Good salary is for people that excel in what they do, and people that excel in what they do is people that understand and know what they are doing. But education or Exam may not test on that. For example, a pianist diploma exam. The person need to show how well he/she can play a piano piece and their marks is based on technique, difficulty of that piece, etc. But can this test actually test how well the person can compose song? Even Jay Chou also is disqualify in a music competition before he is well known. So again the main reason of importance education is getting wrong understanding. "good education or certificate = good skill or understanding = high salary or income" but reality show otherwise.
Always understand the main reason. the basic principle. the root of what we are doing. And then we will excel in life. When you feel you are moving too fast, then find time to sit back. Think about it all over again. Go back to the root. This will avoid miss perception that we all suffering.
For me, I feel this is very important coz we human tend to forget the basis or the main reason when we do things. A very classic example is when we earn money. Most of us try to earn money so that we can live more comfortable. So that our children can have better education. So that our wife and family can live more happier. And so that is the "main reason". But as we do this, we neglect to give children the education. Teach the child how to read ABC. We just pay the tuition fees and taught that is the "better education" that the child need. We also spend hours and hours working OT until our health have problem and thus we need to earn even more money so that we can live "more comfortable" with better health. So as what I can see the main reason we earn money is to have better life, but we tend to lose focus or have the wrong understanding of "more money = better life". In reality that is not entirely true. Money is merely a human invention for ease of trading but human get to wrong ideas and think that money is source of evil.
Another things we tend to forget when we teach our children. We tell them education is very important because with good education good qualification they can get good salary. That really is what most parent thinks of how it should be. But in reality is it that way? Good salary is for people that excel in what they do, and people that excel in what they do is people that understand and know what they are doing. But education or Exam may not test on that. For example, a pianist diploma exam. The person need to show how well he/she can play a piano piece and their marks is based on technique, difficulty of that piece, etc. But can this test actually test how well the person can compose song? Even Jay Chou also is disqualify in a music competition before he is well known. So again the main reason of importance education is getting wrong understanding. "good education or certificate = good skill or understanding = high salary or income" but reality show otherwise.
Always understand the main reason. the basic principle. the root of what we are doing. And then we will excel in life. When you feel you are moving too fast, then find time to sit back. Think about it all over again. Go back to the root. This will avoid miss perception that we all suffering.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Counting down my days in this Helldesk
Currently schedule is end of this October I will finally leave this desk. Been here for 3 years.
See the changes of Operation Manager 3 times. So in chinese saying, I am "三朝元老" which means that even the emperor cannot simply fired me this 元老.
I am use to say that here I am the "Super Senior" or "祖師爺" because most staff here is my junior. Some newbie is the student of my student punya student punya student. :P
Now I am going to leave this desk soon. I always wonder why I did not leave sooner. Maybe coz I feel a job that can allow me surf facebook and listen to song while working is hard to find.
Maybe is to find a job that I can shake leg watch movie in office while getting pay for extra OT coz working on a public holiday is hard to find. There is many reason why I stay here. Many memory too.....
But life go on. I need to get moving or I continue to see this desk move to death. From what I can see, it is getting worse here with newbie just don't care to help the people that seek their assistance. They only care how to keep acting like they do a lot of job when they actually did nothing but forward the request to manager for manager to follow up.
Enough babbling on the poor animal that is found working here. I just want to say I am going to leave soon. Bye Bye to all my friends. Hope you all can keep your sanity while working here.
Count down clock begin. 10 days left.
See the changes of Operation Manager 3 times. So in chinese saying, I am "三朝元老" which means that even the emperor cannot simply fired me this 元老.
I am use to say that here I am the "Super Senior" or "祖師爺" because most staff here is my junior. Some newbie is the student of my student punya student punya student. :P
Now I am going to leave this desk soon. I always wonder why I did not leave sooner. Maybe coz I feel a job that can allow me surf facebook and listen to song while working is hard to find.
Maybe is to find a job that I can shake leg watch movie in office while getting pay for extra OT coz working on a public holiday is hard to find. There is many reason why I stay here. Many memory too.....
But life go on. I need to get moving or I continue to see this desk move to death. From what I can see, it is getting worse here with newbie just don't care to help the people that seek their assistance. They only care how to keep acting like they do a lot of job when they actually did nothing but forward the request to manager for manager to follow up.
Enough babbling on the poor animal that is found working here. I just want to say I am going to leave soon. Bye Bye to all my friends. Hope you all can keep your sanity while working here.
Count down clock begin. 10 days left.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
How to be rich?
How to be rich?
I guess this question is what waving on many people mind. I think about it too. Wondering how to be rich. So now I will share my taught with you all.
First of all, I do not know how to make you rich. Coz I am not rich yet. If I say about investment tips or how to predict the next Lucky Draw Number, then I better just go invest on it myself. Why should I share those info? :P So those who taught you can get rich after reading this, well face the reality. Get rich is not that easy.
Although I have yet to have idea on how to get rich, but I have many idea on why we cannot get rich. First is wasting of time. Time is a very important asset that we all have. Since we are born, we have started to use time that we have to barter for other things such as knowledge. And now when we are working we actually use the time, the energy, the knowledge etc to barter for money. So if let say we got 80 years of life, how many times did we actually use to barter for things that is useful? And how many times did we just do useless thing such as "thinking how to be rich?". So first thing I believe that will prevent us from getting rich is wasting of time we have.
Second reason is hoping to inherit or get lots of money from some place. A lot of us like to ask why I am not born in a rich family. Why my father is not Lee Kar Seng or Bill Gates. In my opinion, it doesn't matter who our parent are. I believe that if we do not have the ability to earn 1million, then if we are to suddenly have that money thru inheritance from parent or get it from buying lucky number, we will just waste it at some place and lose the money. The world now is full of thief and scoundrel. Thus if we do not have the ability to earn 1 million, we also won't have the ability to guard this money too. It is like the story of a little kid holding 1,000 walking at the market. Scoundrel can deceive the 1,000 that little kids by giving gold fish, ball, or candy. Thief can just snatch it from the little kid. But if the little kid is actually a genius with IQ 200 then the little kid will have the ability to guard the money and not letting this happen. So if we are to suddenly inherit a large amount of money from parent or to win lottery prize, it is not means we will be rich. Coz we do not have the ability to actually guard it.
One last thing, there is around 6.8 billion population in this world. All of them hope that they can be rich but less than 1% or 68million is rich. That means if your want to be rich, you need to have something that the rest of 6.12billion population not able to do it or did not do it. Example you say you can play football very well. How well? As good as David Beckham? Lionel Messi? Or just very well at school level?
I guess this question is what waving on many people mind. I think about it too. Wondering how to be rich. So now I will share my taught with you all.
First of all, I do not know how to make you rich. Coz I am not rich yet. If I say about investment tips or how to predict the next Lucky Draw Number, then I better just go invest on it myself. Why should I share those info? :P So those who taught you can get rich after reading this, well face the reality. Get rich is not that easy.
Although I have yet to have idea on how to get rich, but I have many idea on why we cannot get rich. First is wasting of time. Time is a very important asset that we all have. Since we are born, we have started to use time that we have to barter for other things such as knowledge. And now when we are working we actually use the time, the energy, the knowledge etc to barter for money. So if let say we got 80 years of life, how many times did we actually use to barter for things that is useful? And how many times did we just do useless thing such as "thinking how to be rich?". So first thing I believe that will prevent us from getting rich is wasting of time we have.
Second reason is hoping to inherit or get lots of money from some place. A lot of us like to ask why I am not born in a rich family. Why my father is not Lee Kar Seng or Bill Gates. In my opinion, it doesn't matter who our parent are. I believe that if we do not have the ability to earn 1million, then if we are to suddenly have that money thru inheritance from parent or get it from buying lucky number, we will just waste it at some place and lose the money. The world now is full of thief and scoundrel. Thus if we do not have the ability to earn 1 million, we also won't have the ability to guard this money too. It is like the story of a little kid holding 1,000 walking at the market. Scoundrel can deceive the 1,000 that little kids by giving gold fish, ball, or candy. Thief can just snatch it from the little kid. But if the little kid is actually a genius with IQ 200 then the little kid will have the ability to guard the money and not letting this happen. So if we are to suddenly inherit a large amount of money from parent or to win lottery prize, it is not means we will be rich. Coz we do not have the ability to actually guard it.
One last thing, there is around 6.8 billion population in this world. All of them hope that they can be rich but less than 1% or 68million is rich. That means if your want to be rich, you need to have something that the rest of 6.12billion population not able to do it or did not do it. Example you say you can play football very well. How well? As good as David Beckham? Lionel Messi? Or just very well at school level?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Deepavali Celebration... In OFFICE. (>.<)
Been a while since my last blog update. Busy is one of the reason but lazy and lack of ideas on what to blog is also a reason for that.
Anyway just celebrated Deepavali with working in office. I feel I am getting more and more times celebrating these festive days working. Even my mom ask "Why I keep on work only and did not go out date with other gals. Is it my share so not in demand." I don't know how to tell my mother. Coz even I myself also wonder, will I find someone that can be truly madly deeply love me? Someone like Riko from Japanese Drama Buzzer Beat. Or I am just too bad to deserve such a person and is destined to be S.A.D (Single, Available, Desperate) my whole life?
And so recently my schedule is work work work and then rest and continue the cycle again. The only things that cheers me up is when I see my saving account. (^_^)
I am moving close to achieve my dream. Owning an exotic car. Such as Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4.

I will get this car "SOON". :P
Also have watch a very interesting movie recently.
Movie name is "Surrogates".
The storyline is something that I feel so so. Not too suprising and no twist to it. But the interesting part of the movie is the world that is describe in the movie.
The movie begin with chronological of event that show a genius invented a machine that can read signal directly from the brain and then they use the signal to control a robot. This robot will act as the "body" for the "brain" to go on do the person daily routine. And so the "brain" can rest at home and do not need to leave the house. And so the world become a strange world. Everyone we see will have a perfect young, sexy look that most of us can only dream of. Even guy can be a girl without need for plastic surgery and the voice no longer betray you.
Kiss and touch is done between robot and the sensation is send as signal back to the "brain". So this whole new world seems to be what happening now. Internet. Where lots of person go here and there searching for things and doing transaction at website such as Ebay. This movie make me wonder what is the direction of all the technological advance is bring us to. More safe and better living life style at the cost of us losing the meaning of life? The main character in this movie is basically protesting and trying to reverse it back to the world without Surrogates so that it will bring back the human element to the world. So that next time he kiss his wife, he can feel it really is kissing her and not some robot.
Human is the basic and also the reason for needs of technology. But if a technology advancement is to eliminate human, it no longer is advancement. It is striking man back to prehistory time. However from the evolve I can see, some jobs is already started to be done in internet. Slowly we human may life more in this cyber world then in the real world.
Anyway just celebrated Deepavali with working in office. I feel I am getting more and more times celebrating these festive days working. Even my mom ask "Why I keep on work only and did not go out date with other gals. Is it my share so not in demand." I don't know how to tell my mother. Coz even I myself also wonder, will I find someone that can be truly madly deeply love me? Someone like Riko from Japanese Drama Buzzer Beat. Or I am just too bad to deserve such a person and is destined to be S.A.D (Single, Available, Desperate) my whole life?
And so recently my schedule is work work work and then rest and continue the cycle again. The only things that cheers me up is when I see my saving account. (^_^)
I am moving close to achieve my dream. Owning an exotic car. Such as Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4.

I will get this car "SOON". :P
Also have watch a very interesting movie recently.
Movie name is "Surrogates".
The storyline is something that I feel so so. Not too suprising and no twist to it. But the interesting part of the movie is the world that is describe in the movie.
The movie begin with chronological of event that show a genius invented a machine that can read signal directly from the brain and then they use the signal to control a robot. This robot will act as the "body" for the "brain" to go on do the person daily routine. And so the "brain" can rest at home and do not need to leave the house. And so the world become a strange world. Everyone we see will have a perfect young, sexy look that most of us can only dream of. Even guy can be a girl without need for plastic surgery and the voice no longer betray you.
Kiss and touch is done between robot and the sensation is send as signal back to the "brain". So this whole new world seems to be what happening now. Internet. Where lots of person go here and there searching for things and doing transaction at website such as Ebay. This movie make me wonder what is the direction of all the technological advance is bring us to. More safe and better living life style at the cost of us losing the meaning of life? The main character in this movie is basically protesting and trying to reverse it back to the world without Surrogates so that it will bring back the human element to the world. So that next time he kiss his wife, he can feel it really is kissing her and not some robot.
Human is the basic and also the reason for needs of technology. But if a technology advancement is to eliminate human, it no longer is advancement. It is striking man back to prehistory time. However from the evolve I can see, some jobs is already started to be done in internet. Slowly we human may life more in this cyber world then in the real world.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Failure is the mother of success
"Failure is the mother of success"
I guess each of us will hear this statement not less then 100 times in their life. Yet as I grow older, I notice this statement no longer true. We no longer able to face failure and work towards success. Maybe it is the pride. Maybe is the things we will lost when we fail. But from what I can see is, the older a person grow, the more they cannot admit failure. They will try to escape failures. Blame it on other people and say that it is the other people mistake. Human try to "perfect" their own-self.
A simple example that I can see happening always in my work is when I inform my user that the form is wrongly fill up by them. They will blame that the form is poorly design and confusing. Therefore it is the "form" mistake and not them fail to fill up the form correctly. (=.=!)
Even small mistake they also cannot face, thus when requested to face greater mistake such as their own poor decision, they become cowards. Hiding their head in the hole like an ostrich. And worse situation is choose to end their life by suicide.
I do not know will I be someone that no longer courage to face failure. But I will continue to remember that we should learn from failure so that we can be a better man. Remember to get up on my own feet when I fall down. Coz that is one of the earliest lesson given to me when I learn to walk. I fall and cry and walk and then fall again, till in the end, I can walk on my own feet.
Hope to all my blog reader, you will remember back how you learn to walk and be able to face the mistake you done.
I guess each of us will hear this statement not less then 100 times in their life. Yet as I grow older, I notice this statement no longer true. We no longer able to face failure and work towards success. Maybe it is the pride. Maybe is the things we will lost when we fail. But from what I can see is, the older a person grow, the more they cannot admit failure. They will try to escape failures. Blame it on other people and say that it is the other people mistake. Human try to "perfect" their own-self.
A simple example that I can see happening always in my work is when I inform my user that the form is wrongly fill up by them. They will blame that the form is poorly design and confusing. Therefore it is the "form" mistake and not them fail to fill up the form correctly. (=.=!)
Even small mistake they also cannot face, thus when requested to face greater mistake such as their own poor decision, they become cowards. Hiding their head in the hole like an ostrich. And worse situation is choose to end their life by suicide.
I do not know will I be someone that no longer courage to face failure. But I will continue to remember that we should learn from failure so that we can be a better man. Remember to get up on my own feet when I fall down. Coz that is one of the earliest lesson given to me when I learn to walk. I fall and cry and walk and then fall again, till in the end, I can walk on my own feet.
Hope to all my blog reader, you will remember back how you learn to walk and be able to face the mistake you done.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Really I do.
I suppose to work 4 days and rest for 4 days. But due to Hari Raya celebration, I need to replace my colleague. Especially pass 4 days also I work night shift.
Tonight, I taught I can have a long chat with my lovely bed but turn out, I am use to sleeping in the afternoon and stay awake in the night. So perhaps I am evolving to be a vampire. Twilight Edward Cullen, anyone want. :P
Hope to have a vacation soon. To maybe just somewhere like Kelantan, Genting, Cameron, Langkawi or Penang. The last vacation I have is on April where I go t Korea. Miss those days.
Recently also watch back the "Young and Dangerous" series. Notice a lot of good HK actor pass away. And not forget to mention, author of Shin Chan just pass away. Life is really unpredictable. There is no warning before accident happen. The person may look healthy but who knows maybe just crossing the road, and a car may crash on the person. So I always feel, money is important, yet the main reason it is important is cause it help us to live our life to fullest.
So working bz to earn more money, but at the same time we should enjoy life by going holiday and do things that we like.
Life Without Boundaries 逍遥自在
Really I do.
I suppose to work 4 days and rest for 4 days. But due to Hari Raya celebration, I need to replace my colleague. Especially pass 4 days also I work night shift.
Tonight, I taught I can have a long chat with my lovely bed but turn out, I am use to sleeping in the afternoon and stay awake in the night. So perhaps I am evolving to be a vampire. Twilight Edward Cullen, anyone want. :P
Hope to have a vacation soon. To maybe just somewhere like Kelantan, Genting, Cameron, Langkawi or Penang. The last vacation I have is on April where I go t Korea. Miss those days.
Recently also watch back the "Young and Dangerous" series. Notice a lot of good HK actor pass away. And not forget to mention, author of Shin Chan just pass away. Life is really unpredictable. There is no warning before accident happen. The person may look healthy but who knows maybe just crossing the road, and a car may crash on the person. So I always feel, money is important, yet the main reason it is important is cause it help us to live our life to fullest.
So working bz to earn more money, but at the same time we should enjoy life by going holiday and do things that we like.
Life Without Boundaries 逍遥自在
Monday, September 21, 2009
Shin Chan 蠟筆小新

I have always been a fans of Shin Chan.
I still remember the first episode of Shin Chan I read is Book Volume 4.
In fact I learn how to read Chinese word thru Shin Chan. My mother would sit next to me read the book for me and I slowly learn to recognise the Chinese wording.
So Shin Chan is very special to me.
However, yesterday night, I heard a very sad news. Author of Shin Chan, Yoshito Usui(臼井儀人) is found dead in mountains. From the scenario, it seems that he climb mountain and fell of the cliff.
Life still go on, Earth still spinning and Sun still rising from east set at west.
So, I can only say RIP Yoshito Usui(臼井儀人) and thanks for leaving Shin Chan as a treasure to many many people. You will forever be remembered.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Food of the Devil 4
A colleague of mine is going to leave the company. To pursue her dream to go Korea. She will enjoy a lot as this trip will be a backpack traveller trip for 3 month. Bon Vovage to her. (^^)
Now to celebrate her departure ( Yes, we are very happy that you are leaving. :P Coz you left the Hell for Good ), we decided to go to "New York New York Deli" in One Utama. It is recommended by one of our Gathering Groupie and turn out it is very nice meal. Cheap and the food taste good. Recommended for anyone that is at One Utama shopping. Just beware as this place going to get more attention and crowded like Zanmai later.
That conclude this round of Food of the Devil. Until next time when I find another Restaurant that worth sharing. (^^)
Fine Dining,
One Utama,
Western Cuisine
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